
Sorry to keep bringing these questions to you guys, but being new to selling, you all are my greatest source of knowledge. Somehow I missed an email that came in earlier this evening around 7:30 alerting me to a sale on Anyway, it says the seller is unverified on site, but paypal does show her shipping address as confirmed. My last sale went very smoothly from Etsy and I just want to make sure this one does too. Are there flags I should be concerned about if the buyer is unverified on Reborns, Or should I just be concerned with what’s showing on PayPal. And is it safe to transfers funds into my bank account or do you all wait a period of time. I’ve heard stories of people using fake accounts and it not being discovered until a few days later and I don;t want any problems if I’ve transferred money into my account. Thank you for your help


I think it’s safe to go with what PayPal says. If you ship to the Confirmed Address and use tracking with a signature confirmation, then you’re covered.


If this site is like Etsy is all that means is they checked out as a guest and did not sign up for an account.


@AmyR777 @AmandasBabies OK Thank you. I haven’t been using for very long and this is my first sale there so I wasn’t sure what it meant. Thank you for explaining and for your help :smile:

This is what it says on Reborns
Buyer: J******* F***** (PayPal unverified) PayPal Protection: Eligible


Pay-Pal unverified means she never went back to her email and clicked the link to verify after she set up her pay-pal account. I used my pay-pal like that for a few months until someone told me it was unverified and they would not sale to me lol.


I leave payments in my PayPal account until I know the doll has been received and the buyer is satisfied with their purchase.


I do exactly as Jeanhai does. I don’t consider the money mine until the doll arrives and is accepted. I have, however, sold to several unverified buyers with no problem whatsoever.


That’s the important part…that you have PayPal protection as long as you ship according to PayPal’s protocol.

Perfect! Thank you guys. Its scary how cautious you have to be now days with all of the internet scams, and not just with reborns but everything. Like you have to stay on high alert and check every minute detail. Its more work than painting the doll…lol.