
I was working on Pascale listing and had only loaded 3 pix…i saw that you had the option to “list now” or “list later” so I hit later…bc I thought maybe using my ipad instead of my phone might work better…and it instantly listed…:woman_shrugging:

Ran and got my ipad and quickly finished it up…

Soooo…can you or can’t you save a listing for later?


I dunno I never tried it.

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I am not sure either.

@quiltsabunch do you know? I think you might but could be wrong. lol

you could just mark as coming soon and that will at least save what you have. That’s what I do.


Here is what I see… Quinlyn info?


Once you edit, make sure you scroll down and save

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If you are working on a listing and not finished or you aren’t ready to post choose, Hidden/draft. Dave made a new option to schedule your listing for a certain time. So you can make your listing at say noon and have it automatically list at say 6:00. When you clicked list later this would have been what you were choosing but then didn’t change the time for it to list so then it listed right away.


I need to look for that option for sure.
Thanks so much guys.

I got everything changed…hopefully!!!:crossed_fingers:t2:


Congrats on a super fast sale! Pascale is beautiful and that hair is perfection, as always :heart_eyes:


Goodness …that was a pleasant surprise!!!

Thank you @kareninflorida

I just listed Cayle…and the post later option did the exact same thing as last night…i chose tomorrow at 10 pm…only to give me time to edit the listing…
I’m doing the listing on my ipad and then editing to add the photos from my phone.

But it listed it immediately…so I deleted it and when I had time…sat down with both and did it all at once…:crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:


Congratulations on your sale!

Maybe there’s a bug in Dave’s programming. I’ve never tried post later yet. I always just choose hidden/draft and change to for sale when I’m ready.

I need to look for that option next time!!!

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