I’ve seen them for sale on Ebay, but I’d rather buy them new as a subscriber. Does anyone buy them, and are they worth the money?
What companies publish them, and how would I make that contact?
I looked into that myself - to use as a learning tool – but they seem VERY expensive and not specific to reborns, but dolls in general so I chose not to buy a subscription. If you find or learn of any that are here and not so expensive, please post because I am always on the hunt!
I got a Secrist one with the ZOE premie kit that comes complete with DVD and 3 AB paints, and it is specific to reborns, but it was about 3 years old… I don’t know if they still publish it or not? Here is a link to the 2010-2011 “GuideBook” which is what I got the 2009 (I think) with the kit… it was very informative and it is on sale… secristdolls.com
Thanks Pia - I’ve got Secrist books, but I didn’t know they printed magazines? The ones I’ve seen I found in Hastings book stores and they seem to cover all different types of dolls, not specific to reborns, but may focus on them in an issue or two. Let me know!
— Begin quote from “Ginnylee”
Thanks Pia - I’ve got Secrist books, but I didn’t know they printed magazines? The ones I’ve seen I found in Hastings book stores and they seem to cover all different types of dolls, not specific to reborns, but may focus on them in an issue or two. Let me know!
— End quote
I don’t think it is actually a magazine… check the link and see if it is what you already have??
I bought this magazine - is this what you are looking for? If you order from Bobbie Perez you can order just one and don’t have to sign up for a subscription. I like that idea.
Thanks! Maybe I’ll order 1 copy of Doll Artistry; it’s $9.30. Seems like most of its readers are UK. I wonder why no publisher in US has caught on to this business opportunity. I know it’s a specialty hobby/art, but there must be a clientele large enough to make it sustainable. Any entrepreneurs out there?
— Begin quote from “pia”
I got a Secrist one with the ZOE premie kit that comes complete with DVD and 3 AB paints, and it is specific to reborns, but it was about 3 years old… I don’t know if they still publish it or not? Here is a link to the 2010-2011 “GuideBook” which is what I got the 2009 (I think) with the kit… it was very informative and it is on sale… secristdolls.com - This website is for sale! - secristdolls Resources and Information.
— End quote
Secrist actually comes out with a new “Guidebook” every year or two - has lots of really good information and techniques in it.
There is a magazine called Lifelike Doll Magazine dealing with Reborns and OOAK sculpted dolls. I really love it. I have a subscription but the ladies who are producing it are struggling with costs and time for publications, so it is sparatic when they are realeased. They are still hanging in there. I wish them much success. If you google it you should find a link for them.
— Begin quote from “mcnair6”
— Begin quote from “pia”
I got a Secrist one with the ZOE premie kit that comes complete with DVD and 3 AB paints, and it is specific to reborns, but it was about 3 years old… I don’t know if they still publish it or not? Here is a link to the 2010-2011 “GuideBook” which is what I got the 2009 (I think) with the kit… it was very informative and it is on sale… secristdolls.com - This website is for sale! - secristdolls Resources and Information.
— End quote
Secrist actually comes out with a new “Guidebook” every year or two - has lots of really good information and techniques in it.
— End quote
Yes, I’ve got those guidebooks, but I was looking for the magazines. The one I found was also mentioned on this thread and it is British, so the subscription would be way too high considering the mailing costs and who knows if I’d get it timely. I know I can buy a single magazine at Hastings, but like I said - it is not just about reborns so I figured I’ll wait for an issue that is dedicated.
The Doll Artistry that Bobbie was selling has a great eyebrow tutorial in it for brown eyebrows. The next edition will have one for blonde eyebrows. It is a different kind of method and seems easy to follow and do. They certainly do need a good copy righter and/or editor. More mistakes in one page than I have ever seen. If I get another copy I will need to take a pill before trying to read it!
I was told by several reborners including Stephanie Sullivan that Lifelike Dolls has gone out of business. I am really sorry to hear that since I just got enough money to actually subscribe to it!
There just aren’t a lot there. They are on slick paper which costs a lot, and this also requires a LOT of pictures which drives publication sky high.
Let me know if anything changes with Lifelike…
I have a subscription to lifelike dolls and they sent me an electronic copy of their newest magazine about a month ago! so as far as I know the publication is slow but they are still trying!
An electronic copy would be great! Wouldn’t it be exciting to get a new magazine every month that was just all about us crazy ladies with this wierd hobby/business/love, showing off all brands of dolls, products, techniques, clothing? Hard to believe there’s not a panting, ravenous, drooling crowd who would eat this up! Helloooo, American business people! Where are you? Here’s a money-maker…please?