Reborn Kit Sculpting Update

Hey guys , thought I would give you an update on what I have been sculpting lately here is my latest sculpt what do you think ?


Looks like you’ve improved! Good job! We are one step closer to getting a kit from you. :slight_smile:

What a sleeping cutie! Wish I was that good at sculpting :slight_smile:


Thanks @DollyPardon @lilkidsreborns1 @RidgetopCreations

I Think its finally ready to be produced into vinyl . I have worked so hard to get to this point and cant believe that I’m nearly there. Hope you like it ! Yesterday I baked the head and today I sanded it down. The arms still need to be put in the oven to harden the polymer clay . I’m really proud of this sculpt what do you guys think?

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Forgot to attach the pic OOps !here it is