Reborn fashion show!

They all needed their clothes changed and I just couldn’t help myself!:heart_eyes:

Mason sculpt is named Remi Shalom and he’s my first reborn and he was reborned by Mary Cunningham. He wore his funny shirt especially for the photos​:wink:. One of his hands is curled into a fist so when I have him out, I have everyone give him fist bumps!!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Kyrie sculpt is my last reborn and is a cuddle doll made by Leabelle! Her name is Dara Joy. This is the first time I changed her since getting her because she was sent to me in the most cuddly sleeper!

April sculpt is my second reborn and was reborned by AliceKay! Her name is Sage Rose. She makes me smile every time I see her with her adorable face! I love putting her on my shoulder and patting her back.

Maddie sculpt is my third reborn and TBH, with all the nonsense I went through with the artist, I am blanking out on her name. :pensive:. The reborn’s name is Celeste Hope. I love having an older and bigger reborn. Her eyes are absolutely gorgeous!

I thought it would be interesting to note that not one piece of clothing-even down to the socks (except for Dara’s mitts and Celeste’s socks), are brand new. All the clothes were bought at thrift shops! (And check out Dara’s outfit—I was able to find the pants during one shopping trips during the matching onesie for them on another trip!:star_struck:)

I am very blessed to have these four reborns and they have helped with my anxiety a lot. I was going to ask what reborn was each of your favorites but then I realized something…I couldn’t pick a favorite out of my four! It’s like with real children, you just can’t pick a favorite!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I love them!:two_hearts: what size clothing do you have on your Maddie Sculpt?


I’ve found that six to nine months works best. She’s hard to dress! I needed help getting her pants pulled up-I held the doll while my daughter pulled up the pants!

Thank you; I love them too. :slightly_smiling_face:


I love how all of your babies are so smiley! What a happy bunch!