REBORN DOLLS - BEWARE - Scammer site stealing photos, CALL TO ACTION, new sites are opening and using different artist photos

Both sides have valid arguments…

There is lots of info out there that are not private groups with basic info to reborns for beginners, prices, then being one of a kind, and such. From YouTube videos, artist websites, articles, and more. Even from watching those documentaries that makes us look bad about those collectors who neglect their kids, they state these dolls are hundreds or thousands.

I also agree to what was said above in argument to my post. Yeah I know a lot of people just do not know or did not know. Chinese sites can be a hit or miss. Then yeah a lot of these are for kids too from parents who have little time to look at videos and research reborns. Some people I feel for and some I don’t anymore. Depends on their attitude.

I guess personally, I have always been on the more cautious side with websites and will research, even if I do miss out on something.

I just get annoyed seeing so many when someone gets scammed, finds a group or forum, and goes, “I got scammed and will never trust any of you again” or “I got scammed and I am not spending over $150 for a baby that can’t get wet.”. Then ignore people who do try to educate them. Then some people just go on and plain insult reborn collectors for spending so much on a doll.

I have myself done some private educating of people who were new recently who were looking for their first and had a reasonable budget, because a lot of people only see the $$$ and offer them low quality dolls that aren’t worth the budget. I tell them what to look for, reviews, interview the hell out an artist, and more.

In the end, I am not trying to argue with or insult anyone, even though no matter what you say, there will always be someone offended. Everyone has their own situations, lives, and such that maybe they didn’t have time for research. I just have to ramble…


This is what tells me that these scammers know this and that is why they are putting their ads all over the place. So that those who have never seen a reborn or have never heard of them will see them in their false ads for the first time, and see the stolen pics of the beautiful reborn dolls. They are “grabbing” people this way, and it makes me so angry.


added yessunfree


UGH!!! :astonished::astonished::astonished:


I just saw this in a facebook group. Apparently they may now be further potentially damaging the reputation of Bonnie Brown by signing their email correspondence “Bonnie”. Have these people no shame?


It could be coincidence but I was not impressed when I seen that earlier either

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Granted, I don’t know too many Chinese ladies, but Bonnie doesn’t strike me as a common name there.


Disgusting impersonators!! These are some of the lowest of the low among scammers.


Added Sister Monica 12-19-19

Sister Monica? Isn’t that a nun character from a movie or something? Ugh! :tired_face:

Nice name for a scam site, huh?

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I think they use these different strange names to draw in people they think might be familiar with some of them, and it may make some think it sounds familiar and is trustworthy.

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More stolen copies of kits are starting to emerge :frowning:
Illegal Harlow by Laura Tuzio Ross (though the hands look different)… artist of stolen picture - Silvia Creations


Omg :frowning:
Pretty soon they’ll have tons of knock offs, especially if they are selling them as blanks as well.
That’s hideous!


That knockoff looks better than the others. Lord help us if they actually start making decent looking dolls. :woman_facepalming:t2:


I wonder if it’s hollow inside. It looks stiff.

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Added lemontoyou 12-19-19


LOL, Lemon To You - just what it is! :joy:


What a smart ass thing to name there sight. Seems they are enjoying harassing real artists.


At least there’s a bit of truth in advertising with that one. Haha!