REBORN DOLLS - BEWARE - Scammer site stealing photos, CALL TO ACTION, new sites are opening and using different artist photos

I have no problem with or ebay placing photos with my logo.

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I’m just wondering, what is going to happen when people order from these sites? What will be sent to them, if anything? Will these sites die off because people start to realize they are frauds, or will more just keep popping up?

I’m thinking maybe we as artists should start posting about this scam on our Facebook pages, websites, etc. to get the word out. Or would that turn us into targets from these people?


Here are a few more sites:
check these out, these scammers may be closing and reopening more. The pictures are changing with each site.

  1. (new site or I just found it. )
  2. this site is also called so real
  4. (found pictures of dolls that said they were on this site, but when I check they go to , so they are putting forwarding on)
  5. ** this site is not open yet, but shows shopify telling owner they have one more step.

Also, I found some of the photos on ebay that are being used on the sites, (so what I’m saying is that someone is also using one of the photo’s on ebay to sell dolls . I will be contacting the original owner to have her contact ebay. )

So, please take a look at these sites and see if your babies pictures are on here. They are closing shops and opening more under different names, and adding more photos of different artist work.

YOUNGNOLD - yes it appears that is not online currently.


Wow! I just click on the first one and see this! I would LOVE full silicone for $140!!



I saw someone on Facebook who ordered one as an experiment. They kept giving excuses about why it took longer than expected. After several weeks of back and forth with them not giving any good reasons for why it took so long she canceled her order. It didn’t seem like they’d ever send anything.


Sounds like they are hoping to string people along long enough to run out PayPal or credit card protection.


I have a pillow with my logo on it. It will be used in all pictures of my babies. As well as a watermark. That way my logo is still in the picture no matter what!


That is a great idea!

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I thought so. I ordered it online. I will let everyone know what the quality is and stuff when I get it.


That is actually one of my reborns, and they cut my nursery name off of the bottom. Also, it is a reborn Twin B, and is vinyl, not full silicone. They are using several of my photos.


All of those, except for the last two are using some of my photos, it’s very upsetting. It looks like they took most of the photos from Etsy.

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Here’s a picture of mine after I designed it. Not sure of quality yet but I made sure it had both my name. Nursery name and logo. This way they can’t crop it out like they do watermarksFB_IMG_1566287481911


I love it! Such a great idea!!


For everyone who also wants one. They are on Vistaprint for 5$ off. Even if you don’t have a logo yet. Use your name and nursery name.

Use code SAVE50 for the next 2 days. I don’t want to see other artists photos stolen and if they can’t remove your info they won’t steal the pictures.


I was sarcastic. This is all devastating for reborn artist! :rage:

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I asked Dave his reasoning for no watermarks on his site. I still don’t understand his reasoning. But he seems adamant about not allowing watermarks. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I use mine… it is just words and no image but he has never asked me not to… I figure it is not anymore distracting than an outfit with words


That’s not a good business move on his part considering current events.


I agree. Hopefully he will change his mind.

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Reborndollshop opens for me but they are now calling it The Best Gifts. Lots of Saskia pics on front page: