REBORN DOLLS - BEWARE - Scammer site stealing photos, CALL TO ACTION, new sites are opening and using different artist photos

yes, that’s how I found it too. I reported each of their pics too (none of them were mine) hope it helps shut them down

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I discovered that they were using Shopify by viewing the source of the HTML. If you do that you can see that many of the Content Delivery Networks (CDN’s) for serving up images were coming from Shopify’s servers.

Also at the bottom of one of theirs sites there is a link that says ‘powered by shopify’.


UPDATE: I received an shopify email letting me know that they were basically gonna investigate. Then about a day later they sent a 2nd email letting me know that they had my photo taken down. Went to the site and my photo had been taken down, they just added more photos of other artist dolls.

They were not shut down by Shopify. It’s sad to see that SHOPIFY, didn’t do more to shut this site down and the other sites, knowing that they were using artist photo’s to possibly do a bait and switch . I guess no one other artist sent in a complaint.

ALSO, the domain registrar also, has not responded to my emails about the site being used to possibly scam others.

What is this world coming to? I Just can’t believe that sites can get away with this and NO one really cares.


That is ssome $%&#. Shopify should be ashamed of themselves!


I just sent Dolls so Real a message to let them know that this one is using the image of the newborn that they use on their front page.


Reborndollsshop is also known as mickeyfuns


I have seen about 6 sites now with all the same photos, I assume all the same “company”


I keep seeing these on Facebook too, I report them when I see them. This is such a huge scam, hopefully the reborn community can keep pushing back and get rid of these sites for good.


These websites are using several of my photos as well, I have tried contacting them, and they don’t reply. I am going to use the link someone provided, and see if I can get my photos removed. I even had someone on ebay contact me and accuse me of scamming people, and they included a screenshot of one of my doll’s photos from the website, claiming it was a silicone and selling for a cheap price. They even said they reported me to ebay! I told them those sites are in China, and certainly not me, and that my photos were stolen.It is very upsetting for someone to steal my photos, and then have someone accuse me of being the scammer.


The person who contacted me on ebay first sent me this message (after I translated it) They also included a screenshot of my baby’s photo, with a price of $139.99, and claiming to be full silicone):
“Omg ur banking money all ur babies are off reborn dolls and so cheap ur making a killing. Wow great scam wow u dont make u bank it its been sent to ebay”

Then after I replied to them, they sent me this message, (after translating):
“There not from vhina feom the usa. I checked them out and a few people have bought them ur not only one saling them there all over and well making people lose money if ur photos well there banking money and this one girl has got 4 and loves all of them. Says there so cute and just like photo so some one copies ur work if stollen someonw is making money off ur work… Which would be sad”

I’m confused as to whether they are accusing me, or if they are accusing the scam sites.

What language did you translate those from? Or did they just write them in really horrible English and poor grammar? I can’t understand what they’re trying to say.

Yes, it is confusing YOUNGNOLD, not sure what you do next.

EVERYONE: There are tons of sites, jumping on right now selling these types of reborn dolls. I keeps seeing them using the same photo’s over and over. WE ALL HAVE TO KEEP REPORTING THEM.

  1. on Facebook ads hit the dots I think it is and report them.
  2. On google ads, hit the symbol in the right hand corner and report them.
  3. Contact and report each ad with screenshots.
  4. Tell Other Artist to look at these sites and see if their pictures are there or if they know if another artist has pictures being used. ( I have contacted a couple of artist to let them know their photos are being used. )
  5. Contact Shopify and let them know of the abuse.
  6. File a DMCA report - Digital Millennium Copyright AcT. (this is the form Shopify used to get them to take down my photo, but again, you must be the artist or owner of the photos. Here is a link to more information about DMCA :
  7. Contact the hosting company of these sites and let them know that they are using others photos to sell products they don’t own, and that it is your product. You can find hosting information about each site by checking them out here: or you can find it on most whois look up websites. There is usually a email. The ones I identified for the above domains are : (Which I sent and email and didn’t hear back but if enough people complain, they might take down the photos and use actual photos of their cheap dolls. )
  8. Maybe contact paypal and let them know of the sites. ( I have not done this yet, but on a FB scammer site someone suggested we do this. )
  9. Try to post about these sites to your customers for them to beware. So, maybe the word will get out.

I’m not sure what else we can do but keep on it. IN a few months Christmas will be here and since the sites are already up and running, just image how much business they can do between now and the holidays, this will give us all a bad rap, and HURT the REBORN MARKET.

So, again I invite everyone to try to do what they can. Even if it is just one hour, trying to find the original owner of the photo’s so they can file the claims. If anyone knows what else we can do, just chime in, please.

Thanks everyone.


oh, I forgot to tell you, that when you go to google, shopping and type in reborn doll , you see all kinds of dolls for sale cheap; and using the same pictures.

HOW DO WE AS ARTIST COMPETE WITH THESE SITES? We need to do something now. Also, please, remember that the sites I have looked up so far appear to be out of China and not by ONE artist, so please if you do find a picture on one of these scammer site and then find the original artist, just let them know what they can do to try to get the photo down. We don’t want to Claim that they are the scammer. I personally was notified by this method. Someone saw a picture of a baby on one of these sites, tracked me down, as I had the baby for sale and wanted me to prove that I had the baby in my procession, then when I proved , by current photo of doll in my nursery (safety picture), then she revealed that one of these sites was using my photo. By I suspect she thought I was the scammer at first, until I revealed I was the artist.


It need to be a News Story!

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In a meanwhile I think everyone should mark/ logo all your pictures with your nursery name as close to the face as possible. Even those WIP pictures should be marked as this is a public forum.


We need to talk to Dave on Reborns. I don’t understand his reasoning for no watermarks. We need to be able to mark all pics on his site to avoid them from being stolen. :confused:


I dont know how to do that

I watermark my pictures on Reborns. I know we aren’t supposed to but Ive had my pictures stolen and even though people will still steal them anyway, it might prevent some.


A few years ago, I had my ebay items submitted to Bonanza and after a few months I got a email that told me to that I couldn’t have a logo (watermarks) attached to the pictures that it was googles police and ebays. I checked into it then and was told the same thing. So, watermarks might help going forward, but it doesn’t help now, as we loose the market to China… ugh!!!

I actually had my nursery name on the bottom of my photos, but they just cropped it off my photos. The only thing else to do, would be to put a watermark across the whole photo. Which would ruin the photo unfortunately. I used the form someone gave, I guess it takes awhile, but the photos haven’t been removed yet. Also, I think the shop reborndollsshop has been taken down, because an error message pops up when trying to go to it. The others need to be taken down as well.

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