Reborn doll donations

This morning I donated peek a boo eyes preemie and a Realborn doll zuri asleep and donated couple other dolls last couple weeks


That is so sweet of you. I’ve donated a few babies to the Goodwill. I hope some little girl or boy was very happy!

I make sure never to donate babies that have magnets in them, just a heads up.

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Realborn zuri and peek a boo eyes baby donated to Josephine care facility in stanwood around 11am today handed to front desk person and she called person who helps with donated gifts


Yeah I didn’t put magnets in them.

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Angelina donated for church sister friend who lost her son who was stillborn. Her friend is excited for her doll. Handed to church sister Sunday and she shipping to her friend this week.


Wrong not knowing name on head look like Realborn chase head and got donated cloth body from @andik

doll donated to a church sister MIL with dementia gave to church sister Sunday at church as MIL wasn’t there that week she stayed home with the couple of the teen and older kids to help her out at home.


Realborn Steven donated to a friend who has helped us out as a thank you gift as she knows we’re having a hard time at moment with things and waiting on answers.


You’ve made so many people happy! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I am sure your heart is happy from being so generous with your babies.


I think all these donations are absolutely wonderful. What amazing artists we have here.