Realborn Logan ~ what size does he wear?

I reborned Riley several years ago and she wore a 0/3 mo in clothing. I’m wondering if Logan will wear the same size since they use the same body? Or at least I think they do…for some reason, I am confused. :confused:

Naturally, I am looking for a reason to buy more baby clothes and gosh, all of my boy things are NB except for Grant, of course. :blush:

I have to say right out of the box I LOVE LOGAN! :heart:


LOL!!! It doesn’t take much to entice us, does it? :wink:


LOL…NOPE! :smile: I am confused on the bodies for Logan and Riley, though; now I’m guessing Logan would wear size NB since Owen does and he has the same body. I think I’m driving myself crazy.



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Have you made a Riley using the new body? If so how do you like it? I’m thinking of changing my Riley to the new body.

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THANKS! Time to SHOP!!! :smile:

Thank you. I think I will go ahead and order one.

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YES!!! :thumbsup: