Realborn labels


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“Realborn” means that the kit’s original is not sculpted by human, but made by 3d printer from scan of a real baby. It has nothing to do with being 1st grade or sold as seconds because of not being perfect. To make sure people do not re-sell 2nds kits as 1st, BB does not give COAs for the seconds. But what it says on the sticker is just the name of the kit. Somebody printed a batch that does not say Realborn, maybe they ran out of the large stickers. But the kit is always going to be “Realborn Dominic”.

If you are going to sell it as kit, and are worried, just take the sticker off.


Ok, thanks

Is it possible that the Realborn just didn’t get on the label when they printed it? I know it may be far fetched, but I think it would be possible. If you have the COA, it is a first quality kit, because 2nds don’t get the COA. If you still have questions, I would call BB and maybe they can help you.

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