
Hey ladies.
As most of you know from my posts here I’ve been trying to raise money for a service dog. And while I did start a GoFundMe I’m really thinking that perhaps I can do something that uses my reborn skills and helps get the money that I need.

What about a raffle? Like every dollar donated to the GoFundMe would be one entry into the raffle for a doll made by me? I do have some discontinued sculpts also if that would draw interest. Kase asleep. Milo. Spencer. Original cozy. Etc

I just wanted to get opinions on the idea. :heart:

I actually think that would be a great idea, not that there needs to be an incentive to do a good deed lol but it would probably draw more attention :smiley:

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I think a raffle would be good if you could get people to sell the tickets.

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Raffles have been discussed on forums before and I think there is laws that govern them. I’m not sure but you should check before getting involved with that. Not trying to be a downer just trying to keep anyone from getting into any kind of trouble. How about it ladies-----anyone know the laws on raffles??

That’s why I asked. I need the service dog. But I feel awful asking for money on my GoFundMe. Makes me feel like a mooch.
But I don’t want to get in trouble or create any issues

Please don’t get me wrong, you are NOT creating any issues, I just don’t want you to get into any trouble so be sure to check on the laws that govern raffles. Maybe it will be ok but you need to know for sure first. good luck.

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I know what you mean. I might avoid the whole raffle thing. People would most likely be angry if they don’t win and want their money back.

Too much potential for drama