Quick rant - not doll related

If this man doesn’t hurry and finish with the siding on my house, I’m going to lose my mind. It’s non stop hammering all day long. Of course my migraines decided to kick in this week too.
And I just got a text from my landlord who said they will have to disconnect my electricity tomorrow so he can work where the power line is…
Did I mention he’s working on the wall that butts up against my bed right now? Lol. :woman_facepalming:t2:
Charlie keeps looking at the wall and growling under his breath. I think he’s had enough too. Lol.

End rant


Poor you

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Oh my those situations grate on my nerves terribly and I don’t even get migraines. I am sooo sorry.:pensive: Good dog though, keeping his mama safe from any intruders


Oh no!! But your Charlie is gorgeous!! Is he a labradoodle? Or Golden doodle?

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Oh no! The worst!

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There is just something about that repetitive loud banging that is really working my nerves. Oh my gosh…

@Vanniek, thank you. He is a 2 year old Goldendoodle. He’s such a good dog…when he’s not being bad lol. He is a food stealer. He will wipe out a pot of food before you even have time to gather the kids to eat! Lol. He’s so tall there isn’t much we can put out if his reach.

He started working on the house April 1st. So it’s been a 10 days of banging so far and he’s only done one side of the house. He’s just moving on to the second side. I’m going to have to leave the house tomorrow. I won’t have any electricity to turn up my tv to drown him out.
I shouldn’t be complaining though. They did half the front of the house and half one side of the house three YEARS ago. It was time they finished…lol.

I hope it gets finished soon! That sounds really annoying!

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he is adorable

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Hahaha! Yep! Quick as lightening!
We barbecued one day and while we were outside with the kids, Charlie wiped out the whole pot of rice dressing and beans that was on the stove! We all came in to eat and the pots were spotless! Lol. I have since learned after a few incidents like that to put our pots in the oven after cooking so he can’t get to them. Lol.

Omg my dog tries to steal food too! Here’s her guilty face after I caught her stealing cupcakes out of my tin! She’s only got one fortunately.

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Hahaha!!! It’s all fair game to them!

Your dogs are so cute. I have a food thief too. A pbj sandwich on the counter gone no evidence left. Two Siberian huskies. My son smelled their breath to see who had peanut butter breath to try and see who was the culprit.


I feel for you with all the pounding. I have migraines too. I don’t know how you stand that pounding.

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I kinda lost it today when he broke out some sort of sander and it started vibrating the house. I went to my friends house and took a nap on her couch while she was at work. I take 2 different medications for migraines and get a halo of Botox for my migraines every 6 weeks. He will be back at 9 am. Tessa will make sure she’s gone way before that! Lol. :woman_facepalming:t2:

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Oh i know all too well what you are going through…i dealt with the same thing about 5 or 6 months ago when i was living in a complex that was undergoing a full scale renovation. And the fact that i must sleep during the day cuz i work overnights at walmart.

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