I was always told to add that into the price of my babies. Is that none done anymore. Just told by someone that is illegal!
You just figure it in when you price something.
You cant ask the buyer to cover fees but you can price it higher knowing the fee will come out of it.
say you want to sell a reborn for $600, price it around $650 to cover fees and extra shipping costs, etc.
Also know though that the higher the price the more fees come out and/or taxes.
Shipping costs vary depending on where the buyer is. I just shipped a doll to NV from ID and it was a larger box, insured with signature confirmation and was around $45. If would have been cheaper if I used a smaller box but the doll was bigger and I hate doing that.
I have shipped this same box before for around $70 but further away.
Thank you! I was just given this link too. So hopefully this will help others too.
You can add whatever you want in your selling price !
What’s not fair is to ask customers to pay those fees apart.
If you had a store you would be paying the rent and utilities to provide a place for the customers to see and purchase your items. Since paypal is the store you are using they are asking for the cost of the store front. You do not tell your customers that they have pay towards your store expenses. Price your items to make a profit while paying your bills. And if you under priced then that is on you not the customer. That is bad business and can cost you customers.
You just itemize all your necessary costs into your final price, like you do your paints and other supplies, electric costs if you use an oven, etc., and you itemize any fees and insurance into that final price. The customer doesn’t need to know; all they know is that is the price on your item and if they want it they will pay your price.
I don’t think it is illegal but I also don’t think that is something you would professionally request. I don’t figure my fees into my work because I write them off come tax time. Maybe I should include them, just never thought to.
You can charge what ever you want for your work, you could make up an imaginary number really, you are not accountable to anyone really. I think personally you would be fair. I think most people here work more than they are paid for the reborns they make. If we charged like a regular company would no one would be able to afford them. Some people spend months rooting a baby.
Add up what you spend, pay yourself (that part you can’t write off but you pay taxes on).
I would never ask anyone to pay my fees but I have sold off platform personally and because I save money not listing and not paying fees I pass that savings on, and I don’t tell my clients that, I just do it as a courtesy.