
I have a question, i have been approached about putting some dolls in a shop locally here. My question is, how do you decide which sculpt and color eyes and hair and all those things? I have so far only done custom orders. My first few weren’t but those were on the angel tree. Ever since they have all been customs and I have no idea where I should start.

— Begin quote from “Debora Jenkins”

I have a question, i have been approached about putting some dolls in a shop locally here. My question is, how do you decide which sculpt and color eyes and hair and all those things? I have so far only done custom orders. My first few weren’t but those were on the angel tree. Ever since they have all been customs and I have no idea where I should start.

— End quote

I think your guess is as good as mine, but if you do closed eye, you won’t have to worry about eye color… Medium brown hair… and then hopefully the shop owner will let people know that you can do customs with different hair and eye colors as desired… I am envious of you - bigtime…

Oh my Pia not be envious. I am kinda lost here I will do some closed eyes babies. I just dont like them personally I prefer open eyed.

i will be doing the same thing. I have 3 for her to choose from. It doesn’t really matter what they look like, Just make it cute They will be more like examples than anything. You will probably get custom orders anyway Good Luck!

ty Becky

Ok ty for the hair advise I just sold 3 red heads tho.

Ty I am not used to being able to do what I want. lol I have several I want to do in certain ways but have not had the chance. I did the one for the donation to the silent auction and I so loved her. I was wondering if I should do a blonde then dark or more than one of each or what? I appreciate all the positive comments. This comes on the heels of being told my babies were substandard, kindly but. I have so doubted my dolls and to be honest I have a baby partially rooted and have not had the heart to root her anymore. You girls do not realize how you have lifted me up. I hope to be at home most of tomorrow since I have 24 hours off and maybe I can look her in the face and root her some more.

Ummmm, I have been pondering this for about two hours now, since I first saw your post, and have come to the conclusion that no one tells another that their work is substandard with ‘kindness’. They offer up suggestions, and try to help the person improve, but they DO NOT tell the person they basically suck. That to me smacks not of kindness, but of untruth and maybe even jealousy. Girl, you just won a BB contest. Lots of people, me included have never even come close to winning!! And now you’ve been asked to put your dolls in a shop to sell!! You’re doing MARVELOUSLY well!! And you haven’t been reborning that long…you’re gonna go places, and be well-respected, I’m sure of it!!
And BTW, I have sucessfully sold redheads LOL!!!

Your babies are adorable. And I’m proof that even the not so perfect babies will sell, maybe not for much but for materials…and someday I may be able to sell them for more like you are!
I’d do a mixture of colors on the hair. Also look at the people around your area. That may help you sell them too. This county is mainly African American so I know ethnic dolls would sell (but the people here are so poor I’d have to really cut prices). Across the river, it is a very wealthy white area so I could probably sell them for a lot more there. And I know my daughter’s boss would let me display dolls there if I wanted to for free.
The fact you have somewhere asking you to display dolls is fantastic! So have fun and do ones you like for a change. Your vision for a baby will make it come to life the way it should and that will sell!

Ty Barb and Jessie. I am so grateful for the chance to try this and for the pageant win. Barb I had asked if it were just me but I had 3 redheads requested in a row as customs. I wonder if it is because I have red in my hair? I have made 6 red heads all together and one is my Libby. The rest sold. I have discovered I love mixing mohair colors also. My babies are going to one of the largest towns in our area. I need to get some of those tags ordered to sew onto my bodies with my nursery name on them. I would so love to be able to sell enough to quit working full time and only work pat time say maybe 48 hours a week. I have a body pattern but I am not so sure how to finish them after I got started. Ty once again. HUGS

Well thank you very much. I appreciate it. I feel better about things today.

Congratulation on all your customs and for getting your babies in a local store! Good for you!

— Begin quote from “Debora Jenkins”

Ty I am not used to being able to do what I want. lol I have several I want to do in certain ways but have not had the chance. I did the one for the donation to the silent auction and I so loved her. I was wondering if I should do a blonde then dark or more than one of each or what? I appreciate all the positive comments. This comes on the heels of being told my babies were substandard, kindly but. I have so doubted my dolls and to be honest I have a baby partially rooted and have not had the heart to root her anymore. You girls do not realize how you have lifted me up. I hope to be at home most of tomorrow since I have 24 hours off and maybe I can look her in the face and root her some more.

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I think when people try to help one another it is sometimes taken wrong that is why no one give us honest critiques on our babies!

Again Congratulations on you new adventure!