Question and Slightly Venting

Good Evening,
I made a mistake back in July by posting on Ebay and the item sold on here at the same time as ebay. I canceled the order on ebay, refunded the money right away and apologized for the inconvenience and she said it was fine. Almost 2 months later she leaves me a negative review. GRRRRRRRRRRRR. Is there a way to fix this or do I just need to get over my feelings right now?


Unfortunately it is stuck on there. It stinks, but it happens as much as we wish it wouldn’t.

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Call eBay . They can look into it and remove it. Someone left me one I don’t remember the case but I was right and the eBay guy removed it


Thanks, I will call. Just frustrating.

You could leave reply to the negative comment saying “customer agreed to cancellation”. What did the comment say?
But the buyer has full right to be angry. You do not suppose to advertise elsewhere; eBay only gets money for the service they provide after you sell. I do not blame them making sure that you pay. It used to be a rule that you must not advertise elsewhere and if you do, the selling fee is still due. I would not be calling eBay or they might hit you with the selling fee.


I think they may have charged a selling fee anyways. I have learned since then and I am not a fan of ebay and their fees.

A negative review would be warranted if she didn’t get her money back. But there’s nothing wrong with cancelling an order and refunding the money. Maybe a neutral review for the inconvenience. Maybe. I still don’t even see that as fair. I have ordered and paid for things on eBay before, as well as Etsy, only to get an email a day or two later saying the item is out of stock. I’m usually offered a refund or a replacement of a similar product they do have in stock. It’s never occurred to me to leave a negative review about it.

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No, never said anything about ebay. Please don’t assume based on the review that I did not want to pay ebay fees. I was just moving kits out quickly and I am still new to selling. It’s fine. I am a good honest seller and made a mistake which all people are entitled too. I was just surprised since she could have given the review right away and not wait nearly two months.
She was not mad in our conversation, which is what confused me but its fine. I have learned since then. Just a lesson learned.

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@Estelle85 can you please share the review on here? It will give us a better idea if she’s just being honest or if she’s slandering you unfairly. :wink:

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How do you know Estelle’s eBay name to find the review? I don’t see that on here.

Also how do you look for sellers on eBay once you do know their eBay name? I don’t know any of that.

It’s fine, I am still new that is why I said venting and question. I never blamed it on the buyer just was surprised.

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It is okay, we can just end this post. :slight_smile:


Was the transaction ever cancelled before you refunded the money? I only ask because I thought that reviews couldn’t be written if those were done. If you didn’t ask for a cancellation, then remember in the future to do such before you refund any money. This will also allow you to recoup your final value fees from the sale. I cross post, too, on occasion. It is not against eBay policy to cross post. You just can’t solely or partially use eBay as a means of promoting your item and then sell away from it to avoid fees. Cross posting can be tricking, especially if you have the item active on eBay. I’ve never sold one simultaneously. I do, however, let a potential buyer know that an active auction takes precedence over any payments that are received. In other words, if the item sells on eBay before their invoice is paid, then I let them know it is no longer available. If you are cross-posting, you may want to put in your ad that information so the buyer is aware.


Thank you for this information. This is great information to know!!

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Apparently, eBay doesn’t even want you to partially use their site without your paying the fees. I guess I have been guilty of the partially using when I post some of the information about one of my dolls(pics and some basic information) and then provide a link. I’ll have to be careful about that in the future. Not sure how they would know if that was the reason for the sale, though, or if the person actually used the link.:thinking:

Sellers are liable for fees arising out of all sales made using some or all eBay Services, even if sales terms are finalized or payment is made outside of eBay.


People buying something so special like reborn doll spend lots of time looking and deciding. Some might also spend lot of time saving for their doll, so when they finally find one they like and can afford, and buy it and think it is theirs, they get very disappointed. There no rule about when negative FB is warranted or not. The reason why it took so long to leave FB might have something to do with the messages eBay send some weeks later asking for FB. She might have been too upset to leave FB immediately, and then was not going to be bothered, but the reminder prompted her to react. Maybe she still has not found another doll she likes as much. Some people think that the message about FB comes from the seller and they get angry.

I just had a similar incident. I need swimsuit; the doctor wants me to go to some water physio treatment to build up my muscles before my hip operation. I have not been swimming for years and do not have any swimsuit. As i cannot go to stores, I had to search on line. They are all high cut on the bottom, and low cut with no bra on the top, or too bright pattern, and I literally went through thousands of swimsuits and then I found one that I just loved:

It had everything, supporting bra, low over legs, covering bottom, nice wide straps, and up high on the back to keep the bra in place. And I really liked the pattern. They said more than 10 available, so I took my time still looking for 2 days, and then I bought it, only to be told they are out of stock. Not sure if the 2 days made any difference. I contacted the manufacturer and was told they are not available any more. I did not leave FB, but if I was going to, there is an only one way to describe my feeling about the transaction - overwhelmingly negative.
I wonder how many of the other swimsuits that I had to scroll by are not available. Sellers should not be wasting our time by offering stuff that is not available. It does not matter with things that every other seller offers as well. But one off, special things will upset the buyer if they do not get them.


It was a blank Landon kit. And she was offered a replacement.


I just do. :wink: