Question about real born newborn Emmy's limbs

Hi there everyone! I have a question about Realborn newborn Emmy’s limbs. Since her limbs are short, are you able to still do mottling/texture layers on the limbs? I’ve done 1/4 limbs myself and have just built the skin tone with washes of the primary colors.if you’ve done mottling on her limbs, could you share pics?



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I’ve done a couple Emmy’s, I mottle the 1/4 limbs the same as full limbs.


Does the mottling ever overlap?

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I’m not 100% on exactly what you mean. But you just move your sponge according to the space you have.


Sorry I meant does the mottling ever get on top of each other and look messy? With the limbs being short, I just thought it might do that. I may do less mottling on 1/4 limbs. I’ll have to try it.

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You have to move your sponge so it doesn’t overlap, same as on other limbs