Question about customs

For the ladies that do customs, if asked to paint and root however you want they supply the kit no assembly, just send back the limbs and head finished what would you charge?


Depends on the size of the kit and whether I like the kit at all? Probably $300.

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I agree with @pia. If it’s a preemie Iight go a little less.

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Reason I asked is I inquired with a lady I know love her work her dolls usually sell for 1000. To 1200. When I asked her price to do that she told me 1500.00 I’m thinking dang that’s more then her dolls sale for , I bought a sculpt I love this is for me not to sell I paid a lot of money for just the kit, and i don’t want to mess her up ( like serenity) I’m afraid I’d be to nervous ya know.

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I would expect that an artist would paint a kit you provided for about $100 and the cost of the kit less than what she sells a completed baby for and certainly not more. The only cost to the artist would be paint and any brushes that required replacing (?) sponges and electricity - rooting needles. I,am assuming that you provide the mohair. When I said $300, I didn’t pay attention to the fact that the baby was rooted, so I would charge $400 - $500 depending on the size of the kit.


That would be reasonable, I just could not fathom 1500.00, for me supplying kit hair shipping to and from. Thank you for the advice, I don’t do customs I really didn’t know if that was the norm

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You are really not asking her for a custom since you want it painted in the artist’s style. You are selecting the kit and the hair color. That doesn’t make you a pain in the neck custom customer!


That’s what I thought! She does her babies the same Everytime I wasn’t asking for anything differnt, I guess she didn’t want to do it because I was supplying the kit. I don’t know of anyone that would, I have wanted this baby for soooo long and the one I bought was already made and is a cutie but not what my heart wants , I sound like a idiot, sorry to go on, I’ll shut up now :expressionless:

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You are perfect and don’t sound like an idiot at all…We all have certain sculpts that do that for us…and we have all bought ones that we thought would do that for us and didn’t! I hope someone whose work you love will do it for you at a reasonable price that you are both happy with… :grinning:


Me too, thank you thought for a bit it was maybe a big no no!


Not defending the artist price but if the finished dolls she is selling are bringing in that whopper of an amount, then it’s her artistic ability that is making the money not the sculpt itself. So I could understand her not painting a sculpt for $100.00 or so.

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if someone supplies the kit and all the supplies for the doll would you be willing to make the doll and that you would not be using any of your own supplies.
I would send you everything.

I have too many commitments already. I’m not taking on anymore. The Holidays are on their way and I’ve saved my extra time to spend with my Family :wink: