Prototypes on ebay

Is there any way to tell if a baby for sale on eBay actually is a prototype or just that artists first rendition of the kit?


Another great question Jean!

I wonder how easy it is to contact the one who sculpted the kit and ask if they had this artist do one of the prototypes. I know some of them have websites, but I don’t know if they have any contact info.

Most of the sculptures have Facebook pages or websites and answer fairly quickly when asked a question. :grinning::wink:

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I had an “argument” with a lady on facebook selling a boo boo doll… It said the dolls size and that was it.

I said “It looks like the Maisie kit sculpted by Marissa May.”

Her reply was “She did not sculpt it. I will not say the name of who did cause she did a good job making her but I just cant bond.”

I replied “I mentioned the maker of the sculpt and the name of the kit. Nothing was mentioned about the artist who reborned it.”

Then she said “Oh sorry, I am new to all this.”

??? lol… even new people should now sculptor and artist are NOT the same… lol