Processing mohair?: results!:)

If you process your own mohair or know how to process it can you help me please? I’ve just bought some mohair that isn’t pre-processed and I don’t want to ruin it. Any help is very much welcomed! Thank you in advance!!

Not the best lighting but you can see how it turned out! Very happy with it, especially for my first attempt!

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Did you google it. Just a thought. I don’t have a clue.

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Found a tut here’s a link if anyone else is interested: TheyNeverGrowUpNursery: Mohair processing tutorial
Thought I’d give this a try

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Here’s another Good one.

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I don’t process but I have thought about trying it out. Anyone know where the best place to get the acid dye is?

I’ve only done a very small portion of the raw mohair I bought. I am very happy with the results of this though. I may just continue to process my own mohair instead of paying bank for it. I found the whole process easy and fun. I’ve posted pics of how it turned out above.

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I get my acid dyes from here:
Jacquard and the same place make their own brand Dharma