Proceed with caution when ordering from people you don't know

There have been multiple complaints about an artist ripping people off. A well very known, credible artist who has been in the dolly world for a long time claims that this woman has a long history of doing this. Some people have gotten a refund, most have not, so proceed with caution if you choose to work with her in any kind of way.

The artist in question is Designer Babies Reborn Nursery on Instagram and Brittany Wharry on Facebook.

This is the second time I’ve heard about something like this within the past couple of days. Scary!


Thanks for the heads up … what is she doing to rip people off ?

According to the people that I’ve chatted with, she is taking deposits for dolls then not delivering the doll. She stops contact and people think she’s had a death in the family, been in the hospital ect., only eventually realizing that they’ve been had. So she does this to people then just drops off the face of the earth. After a while she reappears, sometimes under different names, starting the whole thing again.

The scary is that the pics that she posts are of what looks like high quality work, so people will order from her. If that’s really her work, she would have been better off just painting babies and actually giving them to people- she could have had a good little business going. @crystal_s

My gosh what an awful thing to do to people .
I hope she gets caught so she can’t keep doing that to people.
It is just a shame and makes people afraid to buy from anyone .

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People have to report her to police. They need to get together and report her activity to the online fraud police department; google it .

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