Prisma and Paint Hair Help?

How do I make magnificent hair? Haha, I know that word is kind of funny, but some of you seriously have magical looking painted hair! Here is a sample of my Prisma hair. I know I have a long way to go, but that’s why I’m asking for your help. Are there any great tutorials that you know of? People tell me it just comes with practice, but I feel I would greatly benefit from instruction. Also with Prisma, how are you blending them? And what are your favorite colors to use? This baby was supposed to have sparse hair and a slight red tone, so the color turned out just right on him, but in the future, I will want to avoid reds for a lot of the babies. I’d love your tips and suggestions. You’ve all been so helpful! :heart:


I think you did a good job on your hair. I just did a prisma head of hair but haven’t posted it yet. Maybe one day soon I will get around to it. I’m really bad about the picture thing!!


You’re both sweet. Thank you! It’s good to know that it’s not terrible. I want to get really good at it though, so if anyone has constructive criticism or tutorials to share, I am totally open to that too!


I like it as well :smile:
um… trying to rack my brain for penciled hair masters… @specialmoments, pretty sure @ABC1234, ack… cant remember anymore right now…


It looks great. So I have no constructive criticism to give.

I can give some “advice” on my favorite colors

Black looks or dark hair I use Sepia and Black

Brown looks
Dark Brown, Dark Umber, and Sepia

ReddISH Brown
Sienna Brown, Light Umber, and Dark Brown you can even get away with using I think it is called Burnt Ochre or something.

I am still experimenting with blondes but Beige and Peach Beige are best. Avoid sand it is TOOOOO yellow and will stain the heck out of vinyl impossible to remove if you make an mistake.


Also not sure where to find tutorials. It is impossible to find tutorial on prism hair.

My camera is in order so I’ll be making one on some upcoming looks :wink:


I think your hair is great! I’d be thrilled if mine looked like that.


Awesome! Thank you so much! I cannot wait for your tutorial. I’m sure it will be amazing!!

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Good call. I’d like to know that too. I love little blondies.

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I’d still love to see it, if you’re willing to share, and pics are nice too. Thanks!! :wink:

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I seal my painted hair with a combo of satin and matte varnish thinned out using thinning medium and odorless thinner. Your matte may be too thick or your oven to low to cure your thinner if you are having constant troubles.

I had some issues with my Elyse and Londyn. Elyse had EXREME chalkiness (had to be stripped) and Londyn had cracking in paint (head was a throw away). So that’s when I stopped using plain matte and decided to do a combo of satin and matte no issues since knocks on wood

I also increased my oven temp. by 5 degrees.


I think that your hair looks very nice…!!:slight_smile:


Thanks for the good suggestions, everyone! :smiley:

I think the hair looks great!

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