Pricing, I'm new to reborning...I

Thank you

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Thank you!

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I would suggest that you don’t spend so much time on the rooting yet. That baby looks like she has a ton of hair. I’m sure that took forever. I would say focus on perfecting your painting and all the details that come with the painting. Then do a thin head of rooted hair or painted hair. Until all the rest is perfect, you’ll never be able to get enough to balance out the amount of time you spent rooting. In reality…I don’t know that you’ll ever be able to make enough to equal all that time spent rooting. It’s best to just do rooting because you love it, without thinking about getting paid by the hour for it.
But that hair does look pretty amazing. :heart_eyes:

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I have just started getting $200 locally and that is for a Realborn. I did sell a doll on EBay for $250 a few years back but they get part of your money. Most of my babies are for children so I don’t worry about it. I’m enjoying making them. If I get a lot more advanced, I will raise the prices.