Preorder Help Nino

I ordered Nino about a week ago and when I ordered, the description said that I’d get him in late March. Today when I went back to his listing, the description now says that the next shipment is in May. I haven’t gotten my Nino yet, so will I have to wait until May even though it said March when I ordered? Or are they shipping out the March shipment now?

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I think the only person that would know that answer is Bobbi at Truborns.


Please let me know when you find out because I am moving and I thought the kit would arrive late March as well.

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I emailed and this is the response that I got. Looks like he’s still coming in March!

“No. You don’t have to wait until then. The listing is for those buying now. I had to change it for the new orders. :). Don’t worry. Yours is still part of our most recent order that’s supposed to be here the end of this month.”


Oh wow that is wonderful!! Thank you so much for information!!


Please let me know when anyone gets their shipping notification for Nino :slight_smile:

Nothing yet, but it should be soon. :slightly_smiling_face:

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