Preemie help

I’m going to be doing a very special project for someone close to me. My aunt lost her twin boys a long time ago. She carried them for five months. I’m going to reborn them for her as a suprise. Can someone give me a list of preemie babies? They don’t have to have a twin, they can be micro preemie or just plain tiny. Any help is greatly appreciated!

I love her! She’s perfect. Now I need to find an open eyed kit. Thank you!

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She does have a lot of little babies but there isn’t any big headed babies like Promise


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Promise is perfect but I can’t seem to find another one like her with open eyes ( she has a big head and little body) just like a real preemie but I might just have to get two mini babies instead

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Caleb is probably the next best

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Nessa Winters has open eyes. Or maybe you could open the eyes on Promise.


I saw nessa, she’s beautiful :heart_eyes:

I’m definitely thinking about modifying promise though. I would have to send her to @izzy. I’m not that skilled


Not sure if price is a factor but thought I would mention that Caleb is on sale right now for $12.98


Thank you!


Corbin by Donna Lee is adorable.


Camden and Corbin :two_hearts: I wish I had the money to get them. I think I’m going to go with Thomas awake and asleep since I’m giving them as a gift. They aren’t so expensive

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She is definitely at the top of my list. I wish they made more preemies. She’s one of a kind

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A nude woman?? I would buy your preemie!

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Nice! I hope this doesn’t sound weird but I love the nudey sculpts. Mermaids/fairies etc they’re kind of majestic to me

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Keep me posted. I would love to see your progress pics

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Oh no! Sending lots of love your way :two_hearts:

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