Post pics of your REAL babies!

Beautiful baby @AmyR777. Love the pictures.

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Hunter would make a great Asher portrait baby :slight_smile::blush:

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Oh my goodness! How in the world do you find time to even brush your teeth :grin: lol. And you had time to build that amazing dollhouse!!! Dundadun… Super Mom!!! You really must have super powers!!! 3 babes in diapers :hushed: whew! I will definitely think of you next time I feel overwhelmed!!! God must have gifted you with incredible patience and time management skills!!!

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I need to find a way to streamline my sculpting process lol! Too many babies I wanna sculpt!!! I have so many ideas but I wonder if I’ll ever have time to make them all reality…


Thanks, Melanie! I had so much fun taking them and playing with a real baby. :heart_eyes:


Pretty much.

I have been working on that doll house for a year. Lol. But really…my Grandma comes and helps with laundry once a week (she insists) and i try and get some me time (haha) in tiny increments here and there.

You go girl! Your an inspiration! So blessed to have such a sweet and caring Grandma :blush: cherish every moment :blush:

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