Post doesn't show

Why is it that sometimes a new post doesn’t show up until someone responds to it?

I have never noticed that… strange. :confused:

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I have noticed it a few times, but have no idea why it happens.

I mean when I post a new topic and it doesn’t show up. I posted some LDC paints for sale and it’'s not showing here but it shows if i click on latest.

I haven’t been able to post for a long time. I hit the button and nothing happens😕

BB are you listening?

That typically happens when your post is directly below theirs.

I have never noticed that. Maybe it’ll show if you refresh the page?

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I mean when I add a new topic.

Yes, have you tried going to the list of Latest Topics?

It does show on latest but doesn’t show in all categories so people aren’t going to see it. I have some other things I want to sell and I’m afraid they won’t show, either. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t.

I see your listing for paints for sale on the forum page as soon as I go to it so maybe others can too.

did you refresh the page? it could be cached.

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Great! That means it posted. :relaxed:

I’m not sure what you mean. Any topic only shows in the “Latest” and in the actual category it’s listed in.

Hmmm that is weird we will get on that and see what the problem is