Poseable Cuddler kit with 1/4 limbs

Oh yeah! I just checked her website, and the limbs are part of her “mix and match” series. So we can choose one of her other 18” heads. That’s a relief

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The cuddle body has armature!! That’s why it’s so expensive.

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I am not sure if it comes with it… or just showing how you could add one yourself…


With the cloth body it definitely sounds fair. I really like the option to buy the limbs and body without the head.

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I want the whole baby!


I like it!

Thats pretty spendy for 1/4 limbs for me and ugh that face is not for me either.

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That body is unique to any other 1/4 body on the market so that is what makes it pricey. It has seams/darts sewn in just the right places to make the baby pose more naturally than the old 1/4 limb patterns do. Of course, I am sure it is just a matter of time until some smart seamstress gets one and takes it apart to make their own pattern. That is how the front loading leg patterns came to be I am pretty sure from what I remember. Someone took one apart and made their own pattern then tweaked it a bit to be less boxy in the butt.

It really floors me that so many of you are negative about it yet the cuddle bodies are readily accepted. I do not like the cuddle bodies at all with their mitten shaped fat hands. I would MUCH rather have a 1/4 limb baby.


Who’s negative about it? I see one person who said they don’t like it. That’s her right. Everyone else is saying they like the body. Some say they don’t like the head. Nothing to get “floored” about. :thinking:

This body does look really neat. Maybe a little tricky to assemble. But I like it. :smile:


That picture is showing you how to attach the wire armatures, it’s not the regular body assembly. Angie, I agree. It’s the tone of people. As I read through the comments, the undertone was sadly rather negative towards this. This kind of body makes a baby so “holdable”! It is rather hard to explain, but it’s worth it for the cuddling factor.


Maybe it’s a glass half empty/ glass half full type of morning. I went back and read the whole thread again. Two people flat out don’t like it. Others expressed concern about whether customers would pay full price for them. Others don’t like the face but seem glad to know they can buy the body separate. I don’t read negative “undertone.” You have to be careful about injecting undertone into written comments. We don’t know what tone people use when they type something.


I don’t see it, either.:thinking: Just because a few have said they aren’t interested in the face of the kit doesn’t mean the whole concept is being presented as negative.
Detail painting on the hands and feet will take the same amount of time, regardless of the length of the arms or legs. So, it stands to reason that the artist would need to charge accordingly.
Cuddle babies seem to be wanted in the market. It will be interesting to see if the added 1/4 limbs and higher price tag will appeal to them.
I would like to see BB stock more heads given the rising popularity of cuddle babies. I am always grateful for their generous sales and affordable pricing, though, on all their kits. I realize they are able to do this because of their high production volume. Head-only stocking may not be feasible on a business level for them.

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I’ve wondered if it would be feasible for them to do head only. They seem to sell out pretty fast when they list them for $14 or whatever. That’s a pretty good mark up for just a head. But would it effect their $60 kit sales? The way I see it, people wait to buy a kit on sale or as seconds to make a cuddle baby anyway. (Unless we can snag some of those awesome test heads.) So it seems like setting those machines to make a mass amount of heads…selling the heads for $14-15…us buying them and being able to make cuddle babies 10 times faster than our full limbs babies…making us buy heads way more often than kits…this could be really profitable for everyone involved. :thinking:


And I bet we will see more and more 1/4 limbs coming out. When I used to do reborn Berenguers, I never saw a difference in selling the 1/4 limbs verses the few full limb Berenguers. Customers loved the cuddliness. They all sold about the same. The ONLY problem I ever had with the 1/4 limbs was clothing. You need to make sure to stock up on long sleeve, long pants outfits in the winter months. The shopping options for 1/4 limbs is very limited in the spring and summer. :grimacing:


Adrie’s mix and match collection already has seperate heads. So you can use any of those heads. That’s quite nice.


Every person has their opinion and my comment was not meant to be negative. If you want to make those its what you like not everyone likes the same thing. We don’t all like the same things and thats what makes the world go round and new ideas. Don’t take offense to anothers opinion, it wasn’t meant to be negative or upset anyone, just an opinion. You don’t need to defend against cuddle bodies or give a reason to like 1/4 limbs it is what you like.:heart_eyes:Thanks have a lovely day.


Perhaps only offering a selection of the most popular? Modifying some of the limbs to 1/4?:thinking: I’m quite fond of the BB vinyl.:slightly_smiling_face:


That would be awesome if they did that.
And I agree. The BB vinyl is the best. The details of the kits is the best too.