Poor little homeless babies

You could sign up at reborns.com and list one baby each day until you have all the ones you want to sell listed.
Another option is to take a few of them to sell at a local consignment shop in your area, if you have one.


AND, as of today, you can sign up at Amyā€™s new site, Reborn Connections too. Down with the Evil Bay!


And at Rebornconnection.com all the babies can be listed on the same day!


How much is it to join? My mom os trying to yalk me into it lol

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Thanks :slight_smile:

I just PMā€™d you.

I ā€œlikedā€ the FaceBook page and checked out the website. Perhaps you could do some posts that explain how the site works? Where the buyers are solicited? I noticed that Helenā€™s baby shows ā€œnot availableā€? Did he sells through the site? More info would be a good thing.

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Oh my gosh. My stupid phone. I just saw how wretchedly awful my reply looks. Lol. Sorry guys.

@AmyR777 I think I just found the answer to my last post! New Reborn Sales Site! - #37 by Angel

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I know the feeling they are no longer in only 1 room, they are all over the house haha!