Poll Closed, please Re-Vote on New Poll

Goodness, those are some real pretty babies!

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Wow some really lovely babies here.

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I have been playing the guess the artist game lol two I know for certain and one a possible know :smile:

Why mine is not there ?
They are all amazing !

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Why isn’t yours there ? last I read I thought all you had left was just to take pictures

I have submit it in the beginning, maybe she forget it ? I don’t know !


Oh Wow ! so sorry did you contact her I am sure it was an error of some kind perhaps it can be worked out and can be added now it is still another week for votes . There was a deadline for entries did you make it?

What baby kit is B? Landon?

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These are all so good!! It’s so hard to just choose one.

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@Leabelle I am so sincerely sorry if I missed yours!! I just sent you a PM asking for more details. Is this a different baby other than the one you submitted for the giveaway? I’ll be on for a little while longer to hopefully hear back from you, but if I don’t I’ll be back on in a few hours, so please don’t think I’m ignoring you. I checked and I do have an entry where the person sent me a picture of the kit they chose and the real baby, as a sort of pre-entry and they stated they would send me the picture of their reborn later, but they never did. I also have another entry where the person sent me a picture of a real baby but not the portrait baby, I emailed them back letting them know that I didn’t get a picture of their reborn portrait baby and would need that to enter them, but they never responded back. Maybe one of those two is yours?


I will wait to vote to make sure all entries are present and accounted for…:wink:

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It turns out I did miss an entry, I am so sincerely sorry @Leabelle!! Does anyone know how I can reach out to add someone to a poll? Or if we can restart the voting if I do?


That’s ok ! An honnest mistake !


@bountifulbaby, Is it possible for me to add a poll option to this poll? I can’t do it on my own since it’s been too long since I added the poll and the message I get is that I need a moderator to do it for me. Thanks!!


@bountifulbaby, never mind, sorry for the trouble. I’ve closed this poll and am creating a new one.


Ready when you are just lead on lovely lady sorry for the mess but stuff happens . My voting finger is primed and ready :smile:

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Thanks for your support! I feel so bad I messed this up so much!

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Like other people get everything perfect ? in a perfect world lol


Thank you! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

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Please help me check your entries before I post the new poll, here: