Please Meet Frida &Lizzy*~

I finished them last week and thought I would share!:blush:


Aww! They’re cute!


Awwwww too much cuteness!! Especially the face of the second baby :purple_heart::purple_heart:


They are absolutely darling!!

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they are cute

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Precious !

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Thank you everyone! XOX

Omg that face😍 Too cute

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Oh my gosh they are too cute!!!

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Oh my goodness!! They are too darling!!!

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Awwwwn :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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What sculpt is Lizzy. She’s adorable.

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Lizzy Stoete but it is SOLD OUT and hard to find.

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My goodness, they’re so cute!

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Oh my gosh!! They’re both adorable, but your Frida makes my heart go pitter patter! Will they be for sale?

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They are both so cute! Both of these babies have such great expressions.
Are they wearing wigs? If not that’s a lot of rooting. If they are wigs which ones? They look great.

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They are sooooo Cute!

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Awwww :two_hearts: I LOVE them!!! They have the sweetest little faces :blush:

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