Please help with match

Can anyone help me with matching this baby I don’t have a really good picture
Thank you



The wide set eyes remind me of BB Johanna

Realborn Zuri!

Maria by Sabine Wegner for first photo.

Realborn Newborn June Awake :slight_smile:

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Newborn June awake would be a great match for the second picture.


Sometimes I think there should be a baby pix/reborn kit matching section. It comes up a lot. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I see June awake


Thanks Ladies I still have to give this some thought I don’t really like June or maybe I’m just tired of custom dolls. I do think Maria by Sabine Wegner is cute. I think I need to step back for a minute. Thank you all for your time to help me with this.

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How about Mick or Suze Stoete?


@Katinafleming both good choices!


Yes, those are good matches too!

It’s hard to tell details with old, blurry photos to match. It feels like we have to fill in the details with these pix.

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Katinafleming I think you got it Thank you so much I will order it today hopefully it is available. :heart:

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