Please help me pick a cute kit with a belly plate and a body

I’m looking for a kit with an included plate and or body. I’m cheap and I understand the limitations in softness with a belly. Any cute suggestions?

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What is your budget? Are you looking for a preemie or newborn?

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My budget is preferably under a hundred but I’m willing to go over. I love chunky babies like my Leah aka Chase. I adore toddlers but I’m not there yet.

I’m currently working on Marita Winters’ Sami Jo. I bought him directly from her, at her website, and he came with a cute belly plate. He is a cute newborn baby.


Luciano by Cassie Brace?

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Thanks everyone! A lot of great suggestions for my next kit.


Maybe Zoey Brace? Zoey by Cassie Brace

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She’s so sweet!