I am beyond frustrated with trying to glue SueSue eyes and not mess up her rooted lashes. The bottom ones have already pulled. Advice, all tips, tutorials welcome please before I pull them all out and put applied
Hahaha story of my life! Glue eye lashes first and wait until it dries
Thanks --I did but then the glue from eyes got on lashes…and what a MESS!!! Glad to have someone feel my pain!
I am right there with you. Makes me want to say ALL kind of words I don’t say. I through a babies head on the floor before and was like done.
I glue lashes first as well but from the inside. They usually come through in the head just above the eye sockets for me. The last two I did I glued from the inside but felt there were some that were at a different angle so I couldn’t. I decided to take a small brush and put pledge on the eyelashes just at the lid to keep them secure. It worked well. I didn’t put it all over the lids just the small edge where the lashes were. I figured that way it would just look moist like an eyelid might instead of having to worry about glue being where I didn’t want it to be.
Well I managed to pull out the top lashes on one side so all the lashes are out now and I am back to the beginning. Sigh! ( And that is NOT what I said a couple hours ago)
You can glue the eyes in first then root the lashes. I don’t usually root the bottom as I make mostly newborn and preemies. Root them then wet them upward several times. Glue them in place. Carefully
But how do you glue them inside? The lashes end up in the eye socket, so you can’t glue that part with the eyes in already
When I root mine at a certain angle they acutally come out on top on the eye socket inside the head and they are way easier to glue that way than when the end up inside the eyesocket. I have put my eyes in first a few times and rooted later and then I pledged the eyes and hoped that the pledge would glue in any lashes that ended up inside the sockets. Otherwise I don’t think you could glue inside the eye socket if the eye was already in.
Reading all that make me not ever even try rooting eyelashes
Yep, that’s what I’ve been doing…hoping the pledge glues it in place