Plastic or glass....that is the question

I know the obvious difference between glass and the hard plastic eye. Which do you use and why? Is there a big difference. I like the colors better in the good non glass eyes but have been asked by buyers if I use glass. Just a little insight as to what you all think about the differences. Pros and cons

Personally, I like the look of glass eyes better. I think they are more realistic in most cases. Of course it kills me to pay upwards of $40 for eyes instead of $10 ish for the acrylic or plastic ones. I also find it easier to place the full round eyes in the socket, but I’ve heard many people say they don’t like the full rounds!


The glass eyes tend to look more real, but can get very expensive. I mostly use acrylic eyes as they’re easier to use and cheaper.

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I love the look of the glass eyes .
They just seem more real looking to me. I find the full round ones are harder to work with so i prefer the flat back glass eyes. They are getting very expensive in the u.s. though and I only see mostly blues and grey colors a few brown available.

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I don’t price my babies high enough to use glass eyes. I have used them a few times though. I can’t really say I like them more. The flat back oval eyes fit Miranda awake sockets nicely and look very natural.

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I like glass eyes but they’re a little pricey for me. I use acrylics glossed with Pledge Floor Care. They look really good.


I havent used acrylic before, but I’ll post two pics of the glass eyes I used in my babies. They are same sculpt but two different dolls. One has brown eyes and the other has blue with the blue sclera. They are full hand blown glass…like chrsitmas ornaments. I think I prefer glass. They look really realistic! when you are doing an open eyed baby, you want it to look as real as possible. Cons with glass…if you dropped the doll, it could shatter these type of eyes. They are super delicate. With acrylic, of course you could take a hammer to those eyes before doing damage lol. I think, we already have spent so much on kits, and supplies…whats 30 bucks more for eyes? hehe!

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They are beautiful…Ok, next eye purchase will be glass…

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