Ping Lau?

I dont know both sides of the story only that Ping Lau and Doll Dreams parted ways and now they are selling her sculpts and wont sell them back to her?!
Irresistibles was supposed to have the rights to Ping Laus sculpts with Ping Laus blessing but Doll Dreams cancelled the orders and are making them for themselves intead?!

I have seen that, but I thought it was only one sculpt ?


Last week Linda Skievaski contacted us announcing that she was cancelling all our current orders which included numerous kits that we have already sold. In addition she informed us that going forward she would sell her own kits directly. This is a blatant breach of contract and was done against Ping Lau’s wishes and approval as the copyright holder to all of her sculpts.

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Sounds like I won’t be ordering from doll dreams. That’s unfair and unkind.

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I don’t think Doll Dreams exists anymore? They produced the LDC kits that Esther bought the rights to…

Irresistables usually avoids participating in social media discussions in order to maintain our neutral position in the marketplace as we represent many sculptors and artists throughout the world. In light of all the social media posts in the last 24 hours, we felt compelled to put out a statement explaining exactly what is going on.
In 2016-2017 Irresistables entered into multiple legal contracts with Linda Skievaski, previous owner of Doll Dreams Inc. and current owner of Life Like Babies and Toddlers.
Essentially the contracts stipulated the following:

  • Irresistables would purchase Doll Dreams Inc. including several hundred sculpts and molds of doll kits and their production rights.
  • Irresistables would be appointed as sole worldwide distributor of any doll kits produced by Life Like Babies and Toddlers from 2016 through 2029.
    Since most of the future doll kits to be produced by Life Like Babies and Toddlers would be sculpted by Ping Lau, these contracts were entered into with Ping Lau’s full knowledge and approval.
    Last week Linda Skievaski contacted us announcing that she was cancelling all our current orders which included numerous kits that we have already sold. In addition she informed us that going forward she would sell her own kits directly. This is a blatant breach of contract and was done against Ping Lau’s wishes and approval as the copyright holder to all of her sculpts.
    We are currently looking at our options considering the best interest of our customers, Ping Lau, and Irresistables.
    None of this affects the 26 Ping Lau sculpts that Irresistables owns directly and look forward to many future projects with Ping Lau.
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Ester made a post on Facebook explaining her side and what the agreement was.

Do you have that post?

I posted it above

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Does that mean there won’t be Ping Lau sculpts produced anymore? She’s probably my favorite artist and theres so many of her sculpts I really want to get!

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May be a disruption

“This is to explain the current situation and assure customers that Ping Lau kits will continue to be available from Irresistables, although there may be some disruption in the availability of the kits produced through Lifelike Babies & Toddlers. Thanks!”

That is what Ping posted when sharing Esther’s post

I can see why she is so frustrated. I hope every bit gets resolved in her favor!


Very happy for Ping Lau!
Now I just only hope that sculpts will be produced in different vinyl.


Great news!

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This is the BEST news!


A win for a very talented sculptor. I love to see it!!!


So happy for Ping. She fights so hard, it’s good to see her come out on top.