Pics of Crochet

@YelenaRay here are some pics I promised you of my latest crochet outfit. I am crocheting a coordinating blanket for it, but it isn’t quite finished yet. :slight_smile:


Beautiful work! I love those colors.
Easton look like a big girl with that hair style! Love those cures!

Cures? I am not sure I understand that word used that way. Thanks for your sweet comments on the crochet. The colors were made by using Mandala yarn which changes colors on its own. You never know exactly how it will turn out. I like it. :slight_smile: I am working on another outfit for my babies. Need something to do while I sit in the hotel. When I get back home and settled in once again, I hope to get on my painting so I have babies who can wear all this stuff! :slight_smile: Easton is a big sculpt. She is a 6-month size baby.

Gorgeous. People than can crochet/knit/sew are honestly so blessed. I love the purple-ish outfit. Cute!! Great job. :grinning:

LOL, that suppose to be ‘curls’.

LOL! I get it now. Yes, she had curls. Thanks to her wig. :slight_smile:

Thank you. I wish I had the time and energy to sew for them.