Pebbles aka Summer Rain

I attempted using some skin texture mediums along with some flocking as lanugo (thanks @Emma for all your input and advice :heart:) It was going great right up to the part where the medium gave her way more sheen than I’m used to, so I had to matte her again which hid most of the lanugo. If I attempt this again I plan to add some Folk art soft touch to the medium to see if I can still get the skin texture and remove the shine. She is also my first redhead. I bought this hair a year ago and felt it went well with her complexion, and it allowed me to use some of the reddish blonde alpaca (baby hairs) that I processed a couple of months ago.


She’s cute!

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Beautiful. I love the hair color.

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She is cute! Love the hair color!

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She’s adorable and her hair is beautiful!


Oh my goodness she is beautiful!

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Her thick dark lashes are icing on the cake! She is just darling!


She’s gorgeous! I love her! Her hair is beautiful and so newborny! :heart:

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She is beautiful, despite the issues at the end, I still love her!

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Thank you so much @Londa123 @kareninflorida @Evee @babymaw @InfantInspirations and @katieperry :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks @pia ! Oddly enough, her lashes are rooted with her hair color but they look so much darker than her hair!

@Vanniek thank you so much! Your way too kind and I just love you :heart:

@Emma thank you for all of your input! It’s been super fun bouncing ideas around, but now I’m gonna have to strip that test head/chia baby before I try again! :rofl:

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It was so fun!! You better get a razor out! I know I need to before I can use any of my test parts again!

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We could sell them as baby Sasquatch!

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She is a little sweetie!!!

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I’m being honest :heart: I just love you gf

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Precious Baby, Love the red hair :hearts:

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That feeling is mutual :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: