PayPal changes

I am not sure how they justify not refunding fees if we refund a payment, but they are doing it. :roll_eyes:

Seems they are putting an end to the friends and family loophole… Fine with me. I am actually tired of trying to conduct business with people who insist on being paid this way.

Now this, I either need coffee or a translation from someone way smarter than I am. I’m not following this at all.


Hahaha, I was waiting for someone to explain the changes lol.


I hate change but the way I understood this is that you can now choose to have any payments you receive transferred straight to your bank or you need to have what is called a paypal cash plus account with paypal.I assume it is basically the same except you can no longer just leave a balance of money in your regular paypal account.Probably just another way for them to get more money from us.I hope somebody smarter than me comes along and tells me if I need to transfer all my paypal money to my bank now.


That’s what it sounded like to me. I tend to leave money in there, but I guess that’s no longer an option. The cash account sounds like exactly what happens now… that theres money available for transactions… but they are splitting it off and calling it a “cash account” for some reason. Probably like you said- new ways to collect even more money from us.


Looks like you can hold a balance, but you need a different kind of account for that. If they verified your identity they automatically created one of those new accounts for you.

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Yes,and they went ahead and made me one whether I wanted it or not.

Can’t you remove it?

Sounds like if you use PayPal and intend to ever leave any $$$$ there,you have to have it.

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I send money to my daughters through PayPal sometimes and since I am in France I get charged now. I guess if you are in the US and send money inside the US you don’t get charged?
I just sent my daughter money for her birthday and I got charged a small fee but I used my US bank account, but I guess that doesn’t matter.

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So if I have a balance now do I need to transfer it? Are they charging fees for transferring money to your bank if you have money?

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I believe if you had an account before the change you don’t have to do anything. My account still works like it always did. I’m reading the changes to friends and family as only for payments outside the U.S. I don’t keep a lot of money in my PayPal account but I haven’t noticed any of it being transferred to my bank. I really hope they don’t do that because it takes several days to transfer back and forth between banks and PayPal and I mostly use my account for online purchases. I’d miss all the sales.


Have you been using PayPal long?My money usually transfers in one day.

I’ve been using it for years. I have to request a money transfer to my bank. I much prefer it that way. Maybe our accounts are set up differently?

I think if they verified your identity, they make an account for you, so you might be okay. Still not 100% sure about what they are trying to do and how that will change things.

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I too also didn’t understand that part about the balance account when I read it last week. They don’t really explain what it is and just say it’s now required. I’ve been to my account since April 1 and did not see anything different, so not sure what they mean.


So, does this mean, if this is what they mean, that the money that used to be in our PP balance will now be stored instead in our bank account, and if we want to use our PP balance to pay for something we will need to first transfer it from our bank account into PP? Sounds like extra stuff that isn’t necessary and someone in the government wants to complicate things that don’t need to be complicated. Things worked fine as they were. And I bet they’re going to have a pretty little fee for each time you need to transfer money back and forth. :clown_face: :poop:

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Nothing has really changed other then the view on paypal. I sold a doll last week. money still showed up in my paypal account like normal. You can leave it there to use when you purchase something or you can transfer to your back just like always. The only thing that is different is it says paypal cash account. If you do an instant transfer to your bank it cost 1% if you do a one day transfer its still free.


I have a business PayPal account, and it seems like they’re treating it more like a bank now- with a debit card that offers 1% cash back. I don’t keep money in PayPal anyway because I feel safer with my bank.

I’m pretty irritated about the “no fee refunds on returns” policy. I guess I understand from their point of view…
But I wonder if it’ll force businesses to revamp their policies on returns?

Personally I’m planning to chalk it up to the cost of doing business instead of passing it on to y’all, but it seems like so many things chip away at profits :expressionless:

For any of you looking to transfer money to friends/family, I’ve used Venmo without any issues.

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Speaking of PayPal, I just logged in to see what mine was looking like and discovered that I spent almost $1,000 on doll supplies within the past week. :scream: Boy it adds up fast!

I think overall I’m most irritated about them keeping the fee even if I refund. I do not deal with any kind of foolishness from customers and will refund them in a heartbeat. Now every time that comes up, I’m going to lose money.

But oh well, nothing can be done about it. I will raise my prices a bit.


I’m with ya. I guess I should say I would understand if it were an actual person having to process returns and fees. But it’s all automated so…yeah. :rage:

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