Password Change request?

Hello ladies, I need a little help here. I am not a very computer literate person so I am asking about a “password change request”. I received an email from Bountiful Baby letting me know they had received a request to change my password and if I was NOT the one to request this that I was to just ignore the email??? Did anyone else get one of these??? I didn’t request a password change so I didn’t reply. Is this correct???


I’d ask Emily. If you didnt request they need to be aware. Be careful :heart:


Will do, thank you.


Definitely suspicious, Lynn! Don’t click on anything in the email.


@bbsupport @bountifulbaby @EmilyBB


No I haven’t received an email like that from BB…It might be a good idea to call the number listed and ask them about it…

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I have sent an email to Emily at BB listed under the “Question” tab. Thanks ladies, maybe I will try to call tomorrow. I’m concerned about this.

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Hi @lynn,

I’ve replied to your other topic under Questions. But I just also wanted to add, that when a request to change a password is made, by yourself, by someone on accident, or by someone trying to access your account without permission, we send a confirmation email to the account user, making you aware that a password reset has been requested. This is for your account security to be sure that you were the one that requested to change your password and not someone else. This is why if you were not the one that requested the password change, then it is alright to ignore the email and no further action will be made, your password will remain the same and secure.


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How about if you log out, then go to the log in page. hit forgot password then they will send one to your email so that you can change it. I think.

Thank You so much Emily, I was hoping I was doing the right thing by ignoring the email since I was NOT the one to request it. Thanks again!

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