Partially curled hand?

OK so this might just be me and I realize I’m on here a lot -sorry everybody LOL – but I was wondering if there are any kits around where there’s a partially open , kind of like curled into the letter C hand (like the baby’s trying to hold my finger, y’know?) and the other hand is open? The reason I ask is because, personally, I remember & miss sticking my hands -well pinky finger :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: - into my babies hands my kids when they were little and I want to continue to mimic that with my next vinyl/sili/ partial sil baby.

As I have mentioned before this community is away for me and my daughter to bond but also a therapy for me and a way of “coping” with my children getting older and needing me less. A way of nurturing my need to nurture. But also my desire and current inability to conceive.

My kiddies, love them, they’re ten N almost five, and they’re very independent. Which I love :two_hearts:


Lots of kits have this. Cruise McPherson’s store.

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I know for sure that Tink by Bonnie Brown has this on her hands.

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LouLou can hold your finger


Realborn Miranda
This version of mine had vitiligo.


Realborn Elizabeth might also


Omg ladies :cry: :slight_smile:Thank you so much !! You have no idea what seeing these is doing for me right now or how much it really means to me. Calming and soothing. Just…sigh :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes::heart::100::bangbang:


Realborn Brittany


@jlesser I would love that version of your Miranda as a boy with curly Mohawk like baby hair- just like in that picture. EXACTLY LIKE IT LOL- lighter brown mix auburn colour though. And albino :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: AND the vitiligo baby. Soooo cute. Especially when they have the white hair!!! Love when it’s right down the middle of forehead and just up by the temples. And around the mouth. (Maybe I’m weird?) Like a medium brown hair mix with white would be Just so …awe

I’d name that baby in pic as albino biracial/AA boy Rahman (pronounced- Roc mahn) and the girl I’d keep as Miranda. I’d love her to be biracial. Ooooooo I’m in love :heart_eyes_cat: already lol. Awe

It may seem weird but I’ve always-since I was 12- thought how beautiful it would be to have albino baby boy :baby:t4: And a child with vitiligo. A girl. I do not know why. Other than I saw this teen at that age -l 12 he 17- and loved his eyes and hair and had not prior seen a black child with albinism. He and his sister both were albino and I just thought “Gorgeous!!”

They had this light auburn brown hair and the prettiest grey/purple eyes!! Just beautiful they were. Still are wherever they are lol just absolutely beautiful

This little girl with momma and gma that’s beautiful to me!!

And this baby girl just gorgeous

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Realborn Ever. :heart: (Unpainted for now)


I like this hand. Comfort!!

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Definitely comforting. A main reason I have these dolls is for that reason only. They bring so much joy and happiness to my life I suffer from severe anxiety and depression and as odd as it may sound… All I need to do is just hold and cuddle with them and my mood definitely shifts. Just pure peace and comfort.


Me too all over the above stated :yellow_heart::latin_cross::blue_heart::heart: