Pale Alma?

Is this an epic failure? She needs veining, nails ect. I’m
Trying to achieve what others do with their light complexions. Did I miss the mark?

She’s more mottled/blushed in person :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Her coloring looks perfect on my screen. I know you got use to more colorful babies, but nothing wrong with pale babies either. And she doesn’t look pale to me. I don’t like the kit, but you made her lovely! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you so much! She seems to still be popular and I have a cute outfit all picked out. lol. I think I will need to add more color to her lips. Yes, I love color :kissing_heart:


If she would be mine, I would not add color to the lips. To me they already look dark enough and I personally don’t like ‘lipstick’ effect on babies. However do what your intuition and heart tells you to do, as you see her in person and you are her mom ;). I also know that forum screen distorts/mute colors.

I love her just as the way I see her. But wait what experts will say.


She looks beautiful


I think she looks lovely! I’d leave her lips like that. They look good to me!


She is perfect!!!


TY Ladies! I’ll leave her alone except for her details :slight_smile:


I think she looks great!!! Can’t wait to see her all finished up. I don’t think you missed the mark at all. I feel like sometimes when we have a specific vision for a kit and the baby doesn’t match that vision, we’re too critical on ourselves. She looks beautiful!


I love her! She looks great!

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She is beautiful!

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Wow she look fantastic!!!

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I think she looks great!

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She looks just perfect to me! I love how she is looking!

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Wow thanks y’all!! I really appreciate your kindness!

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I think she looks perfect. You didn’t miss the mark at all.

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She’s gorgeous :heart: I’d say you definitely hit the mark!

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She’s beautiful! Great job! :two_hearts: I’ve been hesitant to paint mine, but you’ve inspired me to dig her out of my stash!

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She is absolutely wonderful. I love how you painted her.

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I really like her coloring as well