Painting a reborn in 7 pics...(for fun)

This toddler (or taller as she calls herself) is the baby in my introduction pictures. Well, she’s here for the week and has had me involved in all sorts of “projects”. She kept saying we need to paint the babies TOGETHER. So after her second day of stating it repeatedly; I decided to give her a baby head so she wouldn’t decide to paint the babies without me. Without further ado, here is how to paint a reborn in 7 pictures :joy:


Fun! Fun!! Fun!!!

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She is serious about it

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Yes she really was. Lol.
She named it her rainbow baby.


Very appropriate to the look she gave her! :wink:

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She’s having a blast!

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She looks so serious about it. Absolutely adorable.
Will you put the head on a body and let her keep the doll, or will you take the paint off so she can paint it again later?

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Honestly I thought about putting it on a cuddle body, but she’s not a fan of the cuddle babies. I may just give her some limbs next time she comes to visit and once she’s done I’ll put the baby together. She already has a reborn at home that she treats extremely well for a three year old.

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Ah, that sounds like fun. She’ll probably be really proud of her own baby!

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Hahaha so cute!!

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How cute !

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