Painted or Rooted?

Is it easier to Root or Paint hair on baby’s. I am gonna make my first reborn soon but I’m only 15. Also, what would be the best if the doll is given to a child?

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I think drawing/painting is a little easier and quicker. You still have to draw it directionally the way it would grow on a head. Painted hair would probably be better for a child. They tend to want to brush hair a lot and mohair can’t hold up to that kind of abuse😊

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If you do root, make sure the head is warm when you do you will brake a lot of needles. Invest in a heat lamp like 10 bucks ebay. I have not painted hair, the other wonderful people on this forum may be able to help you.

Thanks guys. Another question, can I do the hair after its made? That way I can see how she treats it.

You could even start off with a wig that way she can brush it and if it gets ratty it can be easily replaced. :slight_smile:

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Or, it could just be a bald baby. They’re pretty cute, too.

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Lots of babies are bald and most little kids don’t really care if there is hair or not. Rooting takes forever and a child would typically be very hard on it. If you have to have hair, try drawing or painting some and then seal it well. That would be much more durable and you could include some headbands with flowers or bows on them.
Just another thing to think about if the doll is going to a child, you could do a kit with an open mouth so they could use a real or modified pacifier. It’s risky to let a child play with a magnetic pacifier as there’s always the possibility they could pry the magnet off and swallow it or leave it where a pet could do the same!