They mentioned in the reply to Yelena to put the note in the box.
I still mostly use Genesis and love my Genesis just fine. I have a few colors I don’t use much I might swap out but there is nothing wrong with my Genesis paints. Mine are all original formulas. I have some mediums and such I have gotten from newer line heat set paints that I am not fond of. Those I would be glad to swap out for Gemini because I like all the Gemini I have tried.
I have tons of Genesis paint and I love it and I won’t be giving that up. But since I paint primary there’s colours I have that I will never use so I wouldn’t mind swapping that out. I have tons of varnish in the new formula that I will swap out in addition to other brands that I also did not care for. I tried the Gemini matte varnish and I really do like it.
Really I’m set for life
After trying them all I took love the Gemini matte varnish. I have found if you thin it down some to get less texture it is still very matte too. So it is a win win. Best thing on the market IMO.
I agree. I haven’t liked anything else so far. I’m done looking, I’ve found it.
Thanks for all your great comments
I need to make a correction on the Jar size, we are limiting it to the 1 oz. maximum for the swap. There will be other limitations too since this is new to us and we don’t know what the response will be. Depending on how it goes it is possible that we will do it again.
Bountiful Baby
Are you meaning you can only swap out 1oz of paint or you mean the largest size jar you have to replace paints for the swap is the 1 oz size?
So if we send in a 4 oz varnish, will it trade for four 1 oz jars?
That’s what I was thinking before because I did see that 1oz was the largest jar on the website, but now I’m confused so I’m waiting for clarification. I hope it’s not limited to only swapping an ounce this time. The shipping wouldn’t even be worth it for me. I’d be better off just ordering a new jar than paying to send only one back.
I appreciate your input. We realized there would have to be a volume limit but it will not be just one ounce. You can send in what ever size you want but the largest size we can send out would be the 1 oz. so if you sent in a 4oz jar we would send four 1oz. jars out. or equivalent in 1/4 oz. The volume limit will be decided and sent in the email.
Bountiful Baby
This is amazing♥️
I am waiting on my email. I keep checking for it! LOL
This is amazing!! I’ll definitely be participating!
Me too. lol
My post office closes in 1.5 hours… so at this rate I might have to ship Monday.
Check your emails
Oh Wow!
Do you thing it with another medium or the odorless thinner?
I just sent them an email to see if I’m 1-100 I wouldn’t be able to ship till Monday though as I would have to schedule it for pick up though
Gemini thinner or Xodus oil. both work