Packing boxing

were a good place to buy boxes to ship reborn in


I order my small and bigger boxes from usps.come They are free and get delivered to your home.


I’ve also gotten boxes from Walmart. They sell them in the office supply section, nice prices and super sturdy.


thank you

What size boxes from USPS do you use for 20-22 inch dolls?

I order my boxes from ULine - mine are 24 x 10 x 10 but I am going to 24 x 8 x 8 next shipment, I think.

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is that a good size like for reborn anna and logan

I get my boxes from Amazon. I use the 16x12x10 size. It leaves plenty of room for baby to lay flat with extras. I also get packing peanuts on Amazon.

would you send me were on amazon I looked and couldn’t find that size

Hopefully this link will work

I found them and ordered them thank you very much :slight_smile:

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USPS has some free priority boxes that are “#7 mailing boxes” that are 12x12x8 and “regional rate C” boxes that are 15x12x12. You can order them online at the USPS site and they deliver them to your door. I’ve used both of these and they work well for reborns. You can sometimes find “variable size” boxes in useful sizes at Staples or other office supply sources that have creases at a couple of levels so you can slit the corners and bend the top in at a lower level if the box is too deep. These can be really nice to use too as you don’t have to pay for space you don’t need and can adjust the size to fit what you are shipping. I’ve used the ones from Walmart too and their prices are great even though the sizes are limited. They have big rolls of tape and bubble wrap too!

Can you reuse boxes like from BB?

I have with no problems.

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I Have

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I reuse boxes all the time.Never had any problems.

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That is good to know, glad I’ve saved my boxes. @Panda @alicekay56 @CarolinaCuties

I just prefer the ULine boxes because they are plain and I like to personalize them. :slight_smile:
