
Got my first doll kit. Have everything I need to get started - paint, brushes, miscellaneous stuff. I have watched YouTube and read anything I can find concerning reborn babies. Now I am completely overwhelmed and not sure where to start. One think that is throwing me off is how to color washes to get the effects right. I have no clue how to mix these colors. I have read that people will use many coats of color - how many coats am I supposed to use. Then I have to worry about lip color and crease color. I am so overwhelmed and feel like I am way over my head with this. Poor baby has been washed but now her parts are just hanging out on the drying rack and I am too overwhelmed to put the poor thing together. Afraid I am going to make a royal mess out of her. :frowning: .

What kit are you going to be doing ? what color is the vinyl ? That is how you decide about the washes to begin with.
What kind of baby are you aiming for a caucasion, , AA , ethnic or biracial etc.

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Have fun and good luck!

The kit I have is Chrisy and want to do as a caucasion. I bought the paint kit from BB but I am not clear on how to mix the colors or how many coats to apply. I think I have overwhelmed myself with too much info. . .

This DVD might help; it’s by Denise Pratt, owner of BB. Very basic steps on how to reborn ~ well worth $3.24. Good luck to you and be sure to use the magnifying glass at the top of this page. Type in any questions you have and you will get tons of info.


Here is the link for Denise Pratt video on YouTube


It really helps. I used it on a reborn.


Watch the video above and use the spy glass too. You will have to jump in and start painting before you will really start to understand the process though. Some of it you can learn by watching youtube, some you will work out on your own, and figuring out what works for you is a journey.
Oh, and if you are going to put the kit together right after washing it, be sure and take it apart again before painting it. Don’t make this any harder than it has to be!!!

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This is an excellent step by step tutorial series created by @Kim_CustomDollBaby that will walk you through the entire reborning process
Reborn with Me!: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLY0D7_fO0RBeErTy6k83PKTKFLXYtME1Q

Hope your little man is doing well Kim and that you and hubby are getting rest :heartpulse:


I started with Denise’s video. It really covers all of the basics. Don’t stress out about it. I had two of the deep discount babies and a test arm and leg. I went through all of the steps with the arm and leg and that helped me get over the worry of messing things up. It was all about basic technique that first time through. I felt more confident with the full kit, since I hadn’t messed up the test parts.

Full disclosure - I actually started on the Kate kit and stripped her twice before putting her aside and pulling out the Meg kit. I actually finished Meg and she became my first reborn and Kate is still downstairs somewhere stripped and waiting.:sob:

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Your first baby will have flaws even if you have loads of natural talent and a gift for reborning. So don’t expect it to be perfect and just have fun. Pick one technique and start with that. I would go with Denise’s basic video, since I feel that the primary color washes is a bit more difficult.

If you find yourself paralyzed by perfectionist expectations, remind yourself that this is a hobby and hobbies are supposed to be fun!:heart_eyes:


I also started with Denise’s tutorial but by my second I realized there are no rules or orders just do what looks and feels nice, go slow and add a little at a time and bake as much or little as you want. Just keep in mind it’s about being creative and eventually your own style will come natural once you let go of the pressure…good luck can’t wait to see your first baby :blush:


Just start and with one wash. That’s what I make myself do if im procrastinating or afraid or whatnot… then 99% of the time I can’t stop. Layers are so thin and easy to remove, it’s really hard to make a mess of it. If you start second guessing what you’ve done put it away overnight. Its amazing how differently you see things (the exact same things!) the next day. :blush: If youre like me, nothing will ever be perfect. Sometimes you just have to say “well it’s as good as I can get it right now without messing it up further” and keep going. That and building up thin layers were two very, (and I mean VERY ) hard lessons for me. I’m an impatient perfectionist. My first doll, I was absolutely convinced I could complete lips in one go, contrary to every single thing I had read. Haha. I’m laughing at myself in hindsight about a LOT of things and even still.


Thanks for all the encouragement!! You all are awesome!! I am going to start on this baby this weekend. I am sure I will have some questions as I go along. Thanks for the links. They are very helpful. Will keep you all posted. :slight_smile:


Hi! I’m a newbie too, and there are so many great tutorials out there. I’ve been using Shaylen Maxwell (of Reborn Sweet)'s Reborn A to Z Course and have found it to be super helpful. It does cost about $100 but I found it to be well worth it. I am not part of her monthly Facebook group (which costs $20/month – that seems pricey to me), but the course itself is great. Creative Impressions Nursery has a full beginner set (if you’re using Genesis Heat Set Paints). I am using air dry paints and just made the closest color match that I found.

She didn’t really cover prepping the kit… I did research and I wash the parts with dish soap and a sponge, then I do an alcohol rub (with 99% alcohol) and use Folk Art Glass and Tile Medium to prep and Americana Soft Touch to seal at the end. There may be better materials for those steps, but from researching, those seem good for air dry paints.

I am also using cheap BB kits so if I mess up, it’s not a huge amount of money wasted. Have fun!!


I’ve been doing this for 9 years and each time I am about to begin painting a blank kit I feel that sick feeling inside. I just sit there and stare at it for about 1/2 hour and would really rather not do it at all for fear of failure. But somehow I manage to get over myself and start painting. If you mess it up you can always strip it and start over. I’ve done that a few times. Happy reborning!


I feel the exact same way

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Washes are very thin! You will put paint and bake probably 28-30 times. Not all will be skin layers though. If your starting off with a BB kit the flesh 08 will be fine. Orange kits need more washes. If you get it too red you may need a wash of blue or green. Beware of blue use it very very thin unless your doing veins or maybe mottling. I learned with the videos BB and Reborn with me. There is another one that she teaches the use of the color wheel. Bring a color wheel up on internet. If your kit is to orange look straight across to see what color you need to use. It’s all trail and error. Just use very thin paint at first till you get the hang of it. My first doll took me a total of 5 months( I work full time plus some) so be patient you will be rewarded. Stick to BB kits for the first year or until you get self confident in your work. They don’t require that many washes. Good luck.

I used to paint like that but I don’t anymore. I don’t make enough on my dolls to warrant the time or the electricity use which is sky high here in Ontario, Canada these days. I admire you’re dedication to the art form.

You might want to consider trying air dry paints. They don’t affect your electric bill at all. I’ve always used air dry and really like them.