Oversized Lips

Question: Does anyone notice an awful lot of the dolls have (what I think) lips that are too big. I don’t think I have see too many babies with lips as big as some of the sculpts. Are these just really attractive to everyone? Sometime I look at some of the tiny dolls an their lips kind of take over their face, IMO. Does anyone else think this or am I just a weirdo?


no i agree
i love the ryan sculpt
just finished him as a gift for my granddaughter for Easter and
every time i look at him my eyes go right to his lips because i think they are too big

I am right there with you on this one. I thought Presley’s lips were too big and duck-like (not at all like the real baby) and I just could not bring myself to reborn him. I hate big lips on sculpts.

I love the fat lips but they do need to fit the face. Megan has fat lips but they’re perfect for her. I don’t like lips that are really thin. It goes back to personal preference, not right or wrong.


Okay, I just HAVE to tell you this because this thread made me remember something hilarious, so you KNOW I’ve gotta tell you! :laughing:

WAY back, a hundred or so years ago when I was in 9th grade, my art teacher sponsored a contest for Valentine’s Day for BEST LIPS…he actually walked around the classroom, critiquing people’s mouths (as if we could do anything about the shape of our lips either way) – anyway, when he came to me, he asked me to stand up. OMG. At 14, the LAST thing I wanted to do was STAND UP IN FRONT OF THE CLASS. He proceeded to talk about how my mouth was the perfect shape, the absolute correct space below my nose, etc. and suggested that I enter the contest which consisted of a lip print on a board, no name or anything, thank heavens. People voted for the lip print. Long story short, I entered the stupid contest and lo and behold, WON. Good grief. :grimacing:

Fast forward 10 years or so and I’m working as a secretary to 3 loan officers. One day one of them comes in and says he just heard about a BEST LIP contest for Valentine’s Day that would be in the newspaper. I totally remember LAUGHING OUT LOUD because I was thinking of the above experience.

I entered as a JOKE…again anonymously…and WON. :laughing:

Right after we moved to FL a few years ago, the newspaper sponsored a contest. Yep. I did NOT enter.

But every time I blot my lipstick and see my lip print I chuckle to myself.


I love full lips as long as they fit the face.


Karen, this is FUNNY but quite a compliment to you. I imagine at 14 you were mortified to stand up and have everyone staring at your mouth. It is funny though. BTW, I didn’t mean to criticize any sculptors work, it was just an observation and my own opinion, we all have them. I just think they should fit the lips to the face.


Great story Karen and lucky you to have perfect lips. :smile:

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Here ya go…keep in mind that contest winning lips are just a lip **print, and we ALL are winners in that category! My old hag 59 yr. old face can’t compete with my 14 year old self, not by a long shot. Can’t believe I’m actually showing you a close up…sheesh… :laughing:


Beautiful lady Karen! Yes some of the lips are too big- but just depends. I kinda get tired of the top lip over the bottom one to- hard to paint.


Karen—You are a beautiful lady! You do have a perfect shaped mouth, I can understand what your art teacher saw. Thanks for sharing.


Karen’s lips are lovely and the only kit I can think of that I really dislike the lips is Raleigh Winters (and mini Kate Winters) who have the largest bottom lip I have ever seen. The full lip babies that Jorga Pigott sculpts just seem AA to me and look fine.


You and your lips are beautiful, Karen!! :wink:

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you are a beautiful karen

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You guys are too sweet, you don’t have to say nice things…I feel guilty now for stepping in on this thread; maybe I shouldn’t have. I just remembered the lips contests and well, one thing led to another…you know how my mind works…LOL…half the time it doesn’t! :blush: Believe me, it’s all in fun and I’d never have the guts to show a close up pic like that anywhere but here among friends. (((HUGS)))


Karen, we love sharing our thread with you. No Sweat! You can share anything with us, you know that.

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Karen, I can see why you won. You’re a beautiful lady. I have very thin lips and have always hated that. However, that being said, I do think we are seeing a lot of large lips on dolls. Full lips are very popular in real life right now too. I think it’s just a fad. What I do like is that we have such an amazing variety of sculpts to choose from when we want to reborn. It allows to pick and choose what features we like and enjoy working with. I suspect, sculptors may be doing fuller lips so that their dolls can be reborn either as ethnic or caucasian babies.

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I agree that some of the lips on the dolls are too large but on the other hand the large lips are so much fun to paint!!


OMG…what a nice thing to say! The check’s in the mail…LOL

Thank you! :blush:

