First let me start off by saying that this is the first time that I have ordered through Enchanted Kreature Kits (during a non-holiday season…ordered once around Christmas last year) and Truborns (first order ever).
I also know the mail system is a mess anyway and both businesses have moved locations within the last few months.
With that being said, those that have ordered from either one…do they have a long pre-shipment period? Only asking because I ordered from both BB and EKK last Saturday and I received my BB order yesterday and my EKK order hasn’t even shipped out yet. Now Truborns, I only ordered from 2 days ago, but would still like to know what to expect.
Once they ship, I know it won’t take long because I only live a state away (*edited to add EKK is Florida and Truborns is North Carolina and I’m in South Carolina).
I’m more concerned with my EKK order cause it’s been longer since I’ve ordered and it has the smaller kit (Beesley) I chose to get a start on rehabilitation/therapy for my right hand. The Saskia I was working on before the nerve pain is too large to manage right now (too much surface area to pounce and I don’t want to risk having to stop mid limb/head and then can’t exactly match the paint or even be able to see where I stopped the next day).
I promise I’m not complaining…I guess I’m just too spoiled and so used to how quick BB, MacPhersons, Dolls by Sandie, and Dolls So Real get orders out. lol
She recently moved from NewYork to Florida and had her store site paused. It looks like it is up and running again now.
She recently also had her family visiting with her grandkid.
I would just email/message her if you are worried.
When I have ordered from her before shipping was fast (as long as the kits are in stock)
I havent ordered since her settling in in Florida though. But hope to soon.
Thank you very much @jlesser! I had to go back and edit that EKK was FL not NC.
I really appreciate you taking the time to reply and calm my nerves. I definitely wasn’t worried about them not being trustworthy, just worried something was wrong or there was an issue with my EKK order…but if she had family visiting or went to visit family, then that makes perfect sense (it would be cool if they could do what Ebay does and have a little note before you order saying the seller will be away for awhile, so expect shipping times to be extended…to stop over-worriers like me ).
Plus, after seeing the really long post from EKK on Facebook about how she’s changing how future sculpts will be released to try and stop people from buying counterfeits so she can stay competitive…I can see she has a lot on her plate.
Oh Wow…what part of SC? I live near Charleston. If I’m not mistaken @Vanniek lives in SC too…or she did at one time. I know she was talking about moving/or had moved within the past year. I know she’ll chime in to correct me. lol
I don’t see many people from SC on here either. I think the closest people to me on here are in Georgia. I watch YouTube videos of reborn meet-ups and wish I had people around here to do that with.
I think Bobbi just put out a FB notice that she will be changing how she takes orders and how she will be selling kits moving forward. The changes are in response to the theft of original work. I think she is doing her best to protect artists and to keep her business from being ruined by counterfeiters. It sucks. I would check that out if you plan to order in the future, I think she said she would be releasing limited editions and doing resales instead of pre orders. I hope I have that right.
That sounds like what EKK is doing too. I would love for both of their businesses to succeed with the new changes, because if it works it will breathe new life back into the reborn community. If it doesn’t work, EKK said they will stop their business, which would be sad…they make some awesome alternative kits.
Thank you very much for the head’s up @Gabriell! I really appreciate it.
Truborns just restocked the Tessa head by Sheila Mrofka, so I was lucky I waited cause I love that grumpy little face and almost bought a completed cuddle baby just to get that head. I wasn’t sure if it was sold out yet (it’s limited to 500) or not until I got the notification from them it was back in stock. I gotta figure out what limbs I’m going to use for her, so I’m not in any hurry to get the head (it would be too big to paint in my current condition anyway).