Ordered same kit

I got my package from BB. I ordered 4 kits. 2 of Londyn, don’t know how I did that. But oh well.


Lolol London twins! :heart:


I love Londyn. :slight_smile: I have her also. She may be the one I make to take to Rose with me.

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A lot of the time their site glitches for me and I press add to cart and nothing adds… makes me mad. Other times it adds but doesn’t open the cart… Other times it adds and opens the cart like normal…
I try to double or even triple check but I have overlooked little things like plugs not adding right.
Also I have an extra 20 inch body right now and need an 18 inch one… lol

I am a fan of Londyn too. She is the one I am working on and I hope I can get some time to finish her soon, I would definitely paint another Londyn.


I haven’t painted a London yet… I don’t know why! She and cozy have been 2 of my favorites since I discovered bb!

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I must have a Cozy also. :slight_smile: and many, many more

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That happens to me all the time, too! I have to check very carefully to make sure the list is correct…mildly irritating.

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She might be my next one, since I have 2.

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I wonder if BB knows about the glitch? I suppose they don’t order online from themselves much… lol

@bbsupport, @EmilyBB - do you guys know that the site glitches and doesnt add things to your cart sometimes?


At first I thought they sent me 2 kits by accident. Then I looked at my receipt. I don’t know how I ordered 2. I usually check my order before I check out. She was on sale, so might as well keep her.


I’ve done that myself. I think you have to be very careful when checking your shopping cart. I ended up with 4 of one kit that I didn’t even care for.


Hopefully you were able to sell them? lol

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:scream::scream: oh my

I have a stash of Precious Gift kits here ~ like anyone is surprised by that since it’s my all-time favorite kit! LOL…but I ordered a Grant kit after meeting @AmyR777 Amy’s little Marissa a couple of weeks ago, and then when it arrived and I took it out of the box, I immediately ordered another one…GRANT is a cute, cute, kit and I highly recommend! I’ve decided one will be a boy,and then the other one will be a girl. And let’s not forget OWEN…OMG…EVERYONE needs OWEN! :heart: Most realistic realborn EVER! But of course, I may be biased. :heart_eyes:


Yes… Because of you I need an Owen! And a grant because if @AmyR777 and @cajuncuties :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️


YES YOU DO!!! :thumbsup:

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Grant is one that jumps in my cart often. But I am trying to save money for ROSE. (Which I am failing at btw) lol
I haven’t bought him yet just for the fact I don’t think he would fit in my Magic Chef oven… Anyone with one know???


I have like 2 twenty something inch kits n I use a nuwave. So I don’t even know when I’m gonna do them. Does anyone use an electric stove for curing? That’s what I would have to use. I need to get a thermometer as well.

Pretty sure Grant (23inch) fits in the nuwave… @AmyR777?

My daughter wants Hailey but there’s a size issue there for me as well.

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